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Home Automation is the wave of the future!

There are lots of gadgets available today and more are available all the time. For those of us with existing houses, X-10 power line modulation control is the way to go, with no wires to run. There are also new RF Spread Spectrum systems available with keypads, motion detectors. These are more resistant to interference and noise than existing X-10 RF stuff. There are new RF/IR integrated HA systems that will expedite installation - the Vaux/Marc system is one, with a remote console that has everything imaginable on it. IR can be piggybacked onto existing coaxial TV cable for distribution around the home. Home control can be done with standalone processors that have been available for awhile (Enerlogic, HomeBase, JDS), or a PC can be used all the time, utilizing the timesharing capabilities of Windows. The latest emphasis on energy-saving PCs, as well as the need for FAX capabilities makes it more reasonable to leave the computer on full time now. The sound card manufacturers are all coming out with voice recognition and digitization software to go with their boards, and it all works great running under Windows. Dragon Dictate has fairly reasonable prices. New home construction or remodeling opens the door to all kinds of possibilities, including fiber optic LANs, like those of ECHELON's LONWORKS. I saw an color LCD touchscreen/LONWORKS system at the home automation convention in Dallas the spring of 1994. It looked great! It also had very intriguing keypads for around the house, with 6 little LCD screen/buttons that were totally flexible and definable.

Pictures and Descriptions of some Home Automation Equipment:

(this is just a sample of what is available)

I have been gathering links, news, files, and sources of home automation stuff :


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