Welcome to the Home Page of

Ancha Srinivasan MScAg,PhD(Cambridge)

Senior Researcher
E-mail: ancha_s@yahoo.com
URL: http://www.geocities.com/ResearchTriangle/System/7595/

Mailing address:
Office: Regional Science Institute, 4-13, Kita 24 Nishi 2,
Kita-ku, Sapporo, 001-0024 JAPAN.
Home: Apt.#506, 1-50, Hiragishi 4-jo 18-chome, Toyohira-ku, Sapporo, 062-0934 JAPAN.

This page contains professional and personal information about me, and other information that I think is important.

I am a crop scientist by training. Previously I did some research on cropping systems, physiological breeding, and environmental stress tolerance of food legumes and oilseeds. My current research is focused on agricultural and environmental applications of Geographic Information Systems. My other research interests include sustainable agriculture, indigenous knowledge, biotechnology and intellectual property rights.

Please click on the following to know more about me, my projects, and links to some interesting sites. Also feel free to ask for reprints, or to discuss common research or personal interests.

Bio Sketch CV Current Projects Past Projects Publications Consultancies and Surveys Links to other sites

If you have comments or need further information, please email me at ancha_s@yahoo.com

Last revised January 15, 1999