Reza Ghoddousi-Fard

Ph.D Candidate, Research Assistant, Part Time University Instructor

University of New Brunswick

Department of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering

Academic Preparation:

PhD Student, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, Canada, 2004-now

Diploma in University Teaching, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, Canada, 2004-2005

M.Sc. in Geodesy Engineering, K.N.Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran,1997-1999

B.Sc. in Surveying Engineering,K.N.Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 1990-1995

Professional Experience:

- Head, "GPS & Geodetic Surveying" group, M.G.C.E. 2003/1 - 2004/4

- Geodetic Engineer, M.G.C.E. 1995/4 - 2003/1

Undergraduate Teaching Experience:

Teaching Assistant, Part Time Instructor - University of New Brunswick, 2004- Now

Invited University Instructor 2001/7 - 2004/1


Applications of GPS in geomatic sciences (1994)

Solving of GPS carrier phase ambiguity (1996)

Applications of Green's functions in physical geodesy (1998)

The measurment of terrain tilt with horizontal pendulums (1998)

Designing and analysis of a geodetic control network (1999)

Comparison of terrestrial and GPS observation results in a geodetic control network (2002)

Online GPS Processing Services: An Initial Study (2005)

The Effectiveness of Online GPS Processing Services (2005)

An Investigation on the Performance of Regional GEM Zenith Delay Products in the Canadian Arctic (2005)

Comparison of IGS and Radiosonde Determination of ZTD in the Canadian Arctic (2006) --Student paper competition winner--

Comparing Various GPS Neutral Atmospheric Delay Mitigation Strategies: A High Latitude Experiment (2006)

A Climatic Based Asymmetric Mapping Function Using a Dual Radiosonde Raytracing Approach (2007)

A Web-Based Package for Ray Tracing the Neutral atmosphere Radiometric Path Delay (2007)

M.Sc. thesis:

Comparison of terrestrial and GPS methods in geodetic control network observations (1999)

Current Research Interests:

- Neutral Atmospheric Modelling for GPS application

- GPS Meteorology

Previous Research and Working Field:

- Geodetic Deformation Monitoring

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This page first created on Dec. 1998

Last update: April 2008