KB8RJS Amateur Radio Website
KB8RJS Amateur Radio Website



Eric Vaughn Schultz / KB8RJS
primary - Grid/QTH: EN82 - Lake St Clair/Harrison Township, Michigan
getaway - Grid/QTH: EN84 - Crooked Lake/Mitchell Township, Michigan
Born: Feb. 17th, 1956 - Detroit, MI
School: Roseville High 1974, Macomb Community College (still on/off)
IBEW#58 apprenticeship 1977-81, Masters Lic. 1984, still w/ IBEW#58
Parents: Victor (retired ME) & Dorothy (retired bookeeper)
orig. from a small mining town outside Wilkes-Barre, PA.

Here's the Bio/poop:

I'm a master electrician with "International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers" local #58 since 1977. I'm single, have no children, and live alone.

My primary QTH (since '78) is a small bungalow about 15-20 miles north of Detroit, Michigan, on a peninsula sticking out about 1/4 mile into Lake St. Clair. I have an open view (no RF obstructions) for many miles @ better than 180 degrees.

My getaway is a small ranch about 220 miles north of Detroit on Crooked Lake, a small 100 acre lake in the northeastern corner of Michigan. RF wise, I'm on the highest hill around the lake. The closest town (1ea. - gas station, party store, hardware, resturant) is 10 miles away. Red Fox, many Deer, Black Bears, & Bald Eagles come by my place daily. No street lights, no phones, no cable, no cell service! So quiet I can hear the occassional car on the highway & its a mile away.

I've been radioactive on and off since 1967. When I was 11 years old, with my parents blessings, & dollar$. My uncle ED K8YJO/sk, started me on my hobby with a Lafayette 4ch Rockbound-Xmit/VFO rec. CB, when you had callsigns & the band was actually respectful & quiet!

Later in 1971 (15 years old), with paper route money and the generosity of several local hams I'd grown to know, I upgraded to the amateur ranks with a HQ-170, HT-37, Rohn 48' BX series, a tri-bander, & "inverted-V" on 40/80. The antenna sys was given to me by a local relocating ham, which was also 1 of my customers on my paper route. Free just take it down. So w/my fathers help I had more antenna than I could have ever afforded at that time. At 19 (1975) I became too involved with college, my Harley ('64-Panhead) & WOMEN! So radio took a back seat.

Then in 1991 when a friend dragged me to a swap, and I came home w/one of my childhood dreams! A Drake R-4b receiver w/lotsa xtra xtals! I quickly put up a low-slung dipole, and slowly became an avid SWL'er. 2yrs later in 1993, I decided to get a ticket and get back into the hobby. Most of my time spent is now in the weak signal portion of our hobby.

I also enjoy collecting old radio literature, breathing new life into old tube gear, mountain biking, fishing, photography, restoring pre-1968 Corvettes, currently a '64 Roadster (327/365-4spd/3.70posi), boating on Lake St. Clair (26'Formula w/twin Merc I/O's), Snowmobiling (2 Arctic Cats - ZL-600 & a Z-440), or working on my house.

VUCC on: 50mhz #877 & 144mhz #557

* Currently Active On *

ssb: Kenwood TS-690 > HB 2(4-400c's)@1200w out > Hy-Gain 66bs(6e/25ft)
(just added: Drake TR-6 *my dream rig for years!!*)

ssb: Icom IC-271a > Mil-Surp AM6154(8930)@500w out > CC 17b2(17e/31ft) w/Gas-Fet
fm: Drake UV-3 > Diamond X3200a @ 68ft side mnt'd

ssb: Yaesu FT-736r @25w out > Lunar 70w brick > CC 220b(17e/19ft)
fm: Drake UV-3 > Diamond X3200a @ 68ft side mnt'd

ssb: Icom IC-471a > AM6155(8930)@500w out > CC 424b(24e/18ft) w/Gas-Fet
fm: Drake UV-3 > Diamond X3200a @ 68ft side mnt'd

* Coming Soon! *

Johnson 6n2 Thunderbolt
Mod'ing a Ameritron AL-80a to do 160-6mtr w/sep 6m input/output
designing new amp w/8877 or 4-1000
lengthing boom from 25ft > 34ft

Johnson 6n2 Thunderbolt
(2 x 4cx250r - abt 1kw on both bands - may try up grading it to 2 x 4cx400, should yeild 2+kw w/minor anode mod)
HB W6PO-design "8877" amp (85% complete)
adding 2nd: "Cush Craft - 17b2" ant

Mil-Surp AM6155(8930)@400w out (just started conversion)

ssb: Yaesu FT-736r > DEM x'vtr & 20w out/PA > 2(33ele 12'DEM loopers)w/Gas-fet
*[DEM x'vtr & PA - mounted @ants w/144 if - abt 90% complete]*

ssb: Icom IC-1271a > 2(55ele 15'DEM loopers)w/gas-fet
** In need of Amp, tube or SS, have upto 10w of drive **

***** all above ants @80-100ft range, & fed w/1/2" or 7/8" hardline *****
pre-amps @ ants


* R.L. Drake *
TR-4c w/RV-4c, MN-4, AC-4, DC-4
R-4b, T-4xb, MN-2000, MS-4, AC-4, RCS-4
TR-7 & TR-7a w/PS-7, MS-7, RV-7, SP-75, WH-7, MN-75, MN-2700
*** looking for a "L-7" Amp ***
* Icom *
IC-735, IC-AT150
IC-751a w/RC-10, IC-PS15, IC-AT500 w/IC-2KL, IC-SP3
IC-775 DSP
* Kenwood *
TS-690sat full of filters (mostly "Inrad"), PS-30, SP-23
* Yaesu *
FT-707 w/FV-707DM, FC-707, FTV-707/2m & FTV-700/6m x'vtrs
FT-757gx, FC-757, FP-757gx, FTV-700/2m x'vtr
FT-980, FC-757AT, SP-980, FTV-107r (6,2,70cm)x'vtr
* Heathkit *
HW-8, HWA-7-1

* R.L. Drake *
R-7 loaded
* JRC *
NRD-525 w/all filters, CMK-165 V/Uhf conv, NVA-88 spkr
* Kenwood *
R-2000 w/VC-10 vhf conv

Ameritron AL-1200 - (3cx1200a7)
(AL-1200 curently in use w/primary rig IC-775DSP)

Ameritron AL-80a - (3-500z)
Ameritron ALS-500M (12vdc-500w solid state)
Amp Supply LA-1000NT - (4 x 31LQ6)
BTI LK-2000 HD - (3-1000z)
Dentron 160-10L - (4 x 811a)
Dentron DTR-2000 - (8877)
(DTR-2000 used w/2nd set up on 10/17mtr, rig IC-761)
(have 2)
Drake L-4B - (2x 3-500z)
Drake L-75 - (3-500z)
Gonset GSB-201 - (4 x 811a)
Hallicrafters HT-33mk1 - (2 x 4cx250r)
Henry 2K - (2 x 3-400)
Icom IC-2KL & IC-2KLPS (500w solid state)
Yaesu FL-2100b & a FL-2100z - both w/ (2 x 572b)
HomeBrew 4-1000a @ 4kv .600mil
** new 2x (4-1000a) amp w/6kvdc supply in design stage now! **

*** 50ft Rohn 25 ***
Mosley TA-33 Classic w/40m @ 50ft
10m 5/8 Grd-Plane above TA-33

*** Hy-Gain 18HT "Hy-Tower" ***
w/2200ft of counterpoise
(currently down for repair)

*** 80ft Rohn 25 ***
160mtr inverted-V @ 75ft
80mtr inverted-V @ 70ft
80-10mtr "T2FD" (terminated folded dipole w/5ft element spacing) @ 75/70ft & 90deg to the 160m & 80mtr dipoles

**** Have a 120ft Rohn 45, soon to go up ****
Hopefully in a rotating tower installation
Gonna try a low hung - horizontal loop (hopefully quiet w/good S/N)

* Mobiles *

06 GMC Canyon 4dr soon to have a 706
two IC-706mkIIg's: 94 Dakota Sport w/Hamsticks & 00 Dakota SLT w/AH-4 setup
FT-2400: Formula/boat w-5/8~ base loaded

* Northern Getaway QTH Gear *

144mc FM: Icom IC-229h > Hustler G-7 side mnt'd @ 50ft
HF/50mc/144mc: Icom IC-746, SP-430, PS-430 > Yaesu FL-2100Z > Ameritron ATR-15 tuner > Fan Half-Sloper @ 50ft (cut for: 160/80/60/40/20)
All ants supported on 55ft tower

* My QTH *

My house Christmas 1998
* Christmas 1998 *
tower on the left is a 50ft Rohn25-Foldover
tower on right is a custom 80ft Rohn25-Foldover
if you look closely you'll see a Hy-Gain "Hy-Tower" in the center abt 75ft back

Links to my other pages:
under construction - up soon!

* More Pictures! *

Things I want to Buy or $ell


** 73, & Many Happy Grids!!! **
* Eric * KB8RJS in EN82 *



Updated July 25, 2002

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