Welcome to the web page of the 'Wireless Meteorological Station' Project (WMS)
Bienvenidos a la página del proyecto 'Estación Meteorológica Inalámbrica' (EMI)

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Last project WMS status:

[30-07-2001] Digital IO procedures finished and testes (a+j)
[24-07-2001] Digital IO test trials we successfull (a+j)
[23-07-2001] Standarize the sensors output (for measuring) (j+b+a)
[25-04-2001] We managed to successfully install the Dev Kit and run the hello World Demo! (a+j)
[10-04-2001] After some trouble with our Customs we could retrieved the Contest Kit (j)
[04-04-2001] Creation of the project's web pages. (a)
[03-04-2001] Confirmation of the delivery of the LJ's Dev kit dispatch to Venezuela. (j)

Created by Andres Sajo, andres@yahoo.com