Hein Venter’s Home Page
Hi, welcome to my page. This was page was promised many moons ago, and at last, it's starting to happen. The page is completely hand-made (using Windows NotePad), so progress will be slow and things will be ugly for the time being. Thanks for visiting, I hope you will find SOMETHING of interest in here.
Page last updated 14 August 2001
SameGame for PalmOS - Barely active! This will be the future home of SameGame (for the PalmOS), and should in the not too distant future contain SameGame in color! However, SameGame Color does not even exist yet. But there is hope. Meanwhile, it will be the home of SameGame V2.0
My Photo Album - Under construction, and will always be.
Rock Climbing - A whole page coming soon. In the mean time, have a look at the climbing link(s) lower down.
Movies (Home Theatre, stuff about amateur movie making, etc) - Also coming soon
Friends' Pages
To see what Andrew and Monique are up to in England, click the link.
Other Links - Nothing yet!
Old Pages
Palm Page (outdated, with some dead links)
Climbing Page (a page describing "Hein and Walt's Excellent Adventure" - a climbing trip to Cape Town)
DVD Swap Page (not supported any more) If you're South African and have second-hand DVD(s) to swap or sell, follow the link to Clinton Hardwic's DVD Exchange page (from my DVD swap page).
Some Waterval-Boven climbing pics, not catalogued properly...
You should be able to get hold of me at
hein_venter@hotmail.com. Please report any dead links to me.