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Web Page


Introduction:   Hi there, Welcome to my Web site. Not too many pictures yet but time will tell. I'm a itinerant radio engineer, based in New Zealand. I was born in January 1958 in Christchurch. Brought up in the suburb of Hoon Hay. Then during high school, our family shifted to do a bit of farming near Greymouth on the West Coast. Mum & Dad are still there. I now live in Christchurch with my wife, Wast. We were married in October 2000. Wast is from Thailand, we met in Auckland. She now has a wee handcraft paper business from our house. Wast's business. I used to spend a fair bit of time, when working in Christchurch, at my Sister's (Dorothy) place, with Her husband Kevin, and their kids, Esther, Jonathan, Benjamin and Anna. I have a Brother Don & his wife Dany in Rotorua, they have 2 kids, Jake & Thomas. I also have another brother Tim, him and Lara have 3 kids, and live near Greymouth. Family photo & Ancestor tree (will take a while to view).  

I've worked for Radio Rhema ( since 1981, as part of the technical team. I'm involved with installation and maintenance of their (about) 40 station, and 3 networks.   I put out a newsletter about 5 times a year. It's called Out of Focus, and makes an attempt to look at the funnier side of the Christian life. "A merry heart does good like a medicine."

As of mid 2003 one of Rhema's sister organisations, UCB Europe, now stream their station on the internet. The Word is music.

See list below:


Jimmy's Newsletters

Jimmy's Church

Jimmy's technical stuff .

Jimmy and Wast


From time to time I hope to publish stuff here of interest to those in the Christian radio area, but also stuff to do with my hobbies too. (Music, Missions, Computers, Family trees.....)   My general philosophy is: "Life is too short, .... eat pudding first..and, don't go to the beach without your... bucket and spade...!"  
A couple of
me poems.

May your life be richer for the contact.  

Yours,   Jimmy Sears.  



Jimmy Sears   (alias  Pooh Bear)
C\- Rhema Broadcasting Group
Private Bag 92-636    Symonds st.
Auckland,  New Zealand
Ph: 027-470-1198

Web design: 10oct03 JHS.