
  1. The goal

  2. The attributes of the UAA system

  3. Main principles of building an UAA system

  4. Operation processes

  5. Description of the system's activity

  6. Employability of the system

  7. Physical realization of an UAA system

  8. The operation of the cellspace

  9. Conclusion



How is possible to develop a directional mechanism which can manage processes without human authorization in the case, that the directed system is under the unexpected changes of the environment?

In the following, I will demonstrate a directional mechanism and an outline of a construction based on this mechanism, which is able to accommodate oneself to the changing environment and able to carry out directional tasks by stand-alone. (I will call a directionate unit with this kind of functionality: UAA)

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What are those attributes which an UAA system have to bear? 

It has to be adaptive. The system needs to adapt itself to the changing environment under its working period. It is capable to develop such working steps, which are applied, the system can maintain it's own inner environment for sustain the needed conditions.

It has to be autonomous. It is able to reach it's own goals by itself. Its existence is self-maintaining in the changing environment. 

In the UAA system, the principle of the working rules should be born under the work process, it is not possible to condition the system for the unknown changes of the environment. It should be enough and sufficient to give only some basic rules and some basic work principles (you can read about these later) for the successful existence. The system has to learn the self-developed work principles for the successful existence; an UAA system has to be a learning system. If more time has been spent under the existence (and adaptation) in the environment, the UAA system becomes more successful and capable.

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Let it be a system for a given working goals, which system has an UAA based directionate unit. Let it belong to an environment, which has influence on the system. This influence can cause changes in the system's microclimate. These changes can be favourable, unfavourable or neutral, according to the system's working goals. After sensing the changes of the environment, the UAA directionate unit orders the system to effect such reactions, which makes the favourable changes stronger, and the unfavourable changes weaker for the system. 

What are the building principles for an UAA directionate unit?

 To create an UAA directionate unit, make the followings:

a/ Build up reception units which are sense the changes of the environment, and generate activisation impulses based on this reception. Build up effector units which release reactions based onthe activisation impulses and these reactions change the environment. 

b.) Create a process, which build up specific connections between the receptor and effector units for spreading activisation signals in these connection channels. These channels are built up by itself under the system work period and continuously changing by the effects of the changes of the environment. 

c.) Create a process, which connect these channels with each other based on the same time activity. Activisation signal can spread from one channel to the other through these connections.

d.) Create a process, which select from the sensor-effector connections based on the suitability of the working goals. 

To build an UAA directionate unit, we need to create basic working processes based on these principles.

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I.) Critical stimulus: Such effector activity which generates effector activity.

II.) Primary critical stimulus: a group of the critical stimuli what are "hardwired" into the system. Usually the designer decide these stimuli to be critical, not the system decide them to be critical under the working period.

There are two appropriate way to specify the primary critical stimuli:

a.) Creating special receptors, which are sensitive to the artificially selected stimuli which existence in the environment, are critical stimulus.

 b.) Applying the stimulus intensity limit rule. Let every stimulus critical, receipted by the sensors, if the stimulus intensity is over in a stimulus specific, artificially given value. This intensity limit can be below, over or between in the values.

III.) Secondary critical stimulus. Such stimulus, which is not selected to be critical before the worktime of the system. The UAA directionate unit select it to be critical under the worktime from the non-critical stimuli.

IV.) Stimulus route: a structure, which connected to a sensor. Its role is to signal that activity. 

V.) Reaction route: such stimulus route, which is connected to an effector or effectors.

 To create an UAA directionate unit, need to build the next work processes:

1.) Need to create a process, which builds stimulus routes starting from the active receptors.

2.) Need to create a process, which convert the stimulus routes to reaction routes when primary critical stimulus is present.

3.) Need to create a process, which connect the stimulus routes or reaction routes to each other based in the same time or in close time activity. This connection means, that one stimulus route or reaction route activity can generate activity trough the connection for the connected others. This connection called association connection.

4.) Need to create processes for the affirmation, forgetting and inhibition.

Forgetting: Extinct the connections and routes which are seldom or long time used, for making possibilities to build up new connections and routes and erase the incorrect or unnecessary connections and routes.

Affirmation: the given connection or route become stronger by the repeated usage. It means, that the given connection or route can effect stronger associations and effector activity, and the forgetting become slower.

Inhibition: The probability of the activation of the existing connection or routes become less and less when the usage of the given connection or routes is unsuccessful.

5.) Attention to the stimulus power: stronger stimulus effect stronger reactions, create stronger associations, and can go trough more association connections (it can effect farther associations). 

6.) Short time information storage capability: the stimulus and reaction routes remain active for a specific period after the stimulus end. 

These are the basic working principles, which are necessary to build an UAA system, which can effectively adapt itself, and capable to work itself in the environment.

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Let's take a look on the working mechanism.

Before putting an UAA system to work, necessary to build up suitable sensor and effector mechanism for sensing the relevant stimuli and effecting the potent responses (A basic principle), and need to properly definiate which are the primary critical stimuli (II. definition) for the system and need to properly describe these stimuli into the system.

After starting to work, the system continuously sensing the changes of the environment, and build up stimulus routes (IV. definition, 1. mechanism) and connect them together based on the same time activity (C. basic principle, 3. mechanism, 6. mechanism).

The system remains inactive (no effector activity) until no critical stimulus (I. definition). If critical stimulus exist, the given time and close time active (6. mechanism) stimulus routes (included those which are in association connections) become reaction routes (V. definition) by specifically connecting to effectors (I. definition, 2. mechanism). In this way these stimuli become secondary critical stimuli (III. definition). The build up of the connections of the stimulus routes continuing to the effectors (building of the reaction routes) until the primary critical stimulus exist, until the system can find the proper reaction to that critical stimulus. It's mean, from those critical situation, which the system does not contain proper reaction, does not have proper effectors, unshielded the system.

Next time, when the secondary critical stimulus reappears again, the system will effect the already developed answer. If the stimulus-answer connection successful again (no primary critical stimulus), the connection become stronger. If not successful, the connection will be under inhibition, and the system start to find a new stimulus-connection pair. If the connection not become active for a long time (because this is not the suitable connection, or does not need this connection anymore) the stimulus-answer connection build down by the mechanism of the forgetting (4. mechanism). In long time, only the suitable connections stay alive. The processes working under the 5. mechanism.

In the process of the adaptation to the environment, more and more complex microstructure building up, the system develops more and more adaptation schema. In parallel, growing the system effectiveness, the random answer-finding changes to employing the already developed schemas.

It's useful to create the most basic reaction routes (main connections) artificially before the system start to work oneself in the environment. Similarly useful the dehomogenisation of the sensor and effector fields, creating partial fields considered the real work processes.

These basic principles and working mechanisms can be realized in several ways in many kind of materialised system. The successful work depends on the system complexity. The system has to be complex enough for the complexity of the task. It's means; the system has to have enough work units and capacity to store the working rules and can function according to. The system has to have enough workstates. These states continuously changing during the operation of the system. The system has to have enough information channels for signalling the states. These channels are for insure the information flow in the system and between the system and the environment.

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Important requisition that the adaptive process have to be driveable. It can be reached, if part of the primary critical stimuli changing artificially in a predetermined program. To help the system adapt itself and work fast, practical, to prepare suitable main connections for these critical stimuli. In this way, the system can fulfil the predetermined job.

These systems can work more effectively, if building up reaction routes in advance, simulated artificially the environment and considered artificially the expected situations (teaching the system), and place the system into the real environment only after the teaching.

Systems with these principles are most usable, where the regulated process or the environment around describable with difficulty, extreme complexity or not at all by mathematical tools, or not presumed influence can appear. 

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How is possible to build a systems by the above-mentioned characteristics?

In the next, I'll describe an UAA directionate unit as a parallel working perceptron. I'll build up the system as a limited size (has physical borders) cell automat. The system homogenous, the working units (cells) have the same number of neighbourhood cells and the connections to the other cells are the same for each cell. Under the working period, no geometrical changes, physical movements of the cells in the cell space. The changes of the structure realized by the changes of the status of the cells.

The description of a cellspace and changefunction which has UAA attributes:


The cellspace build up by the same cells. The cell units have to be capable to store the given changefunction in itself. The cell units classified in three groups by it's functionality:

Sensorcells: Receives the stimuli sent by the sensors

Effectorcells: emittes the stimuli to the effectors

Cells contained in the third group placed between the sensorcells and effectorcells. The secondary structure (described later) builds up from these cells.

Primer structure:

The physical connections of the cells to each other�s, the wireasation of the cells called primer structure. In the described model, the primer structure is the same in any available part of the cellspace. Its means, any cell connecting to the same number of other cells with the same manner. Its called cellhomogeneus structure.

This homogeneity applying only to the primer structure. The advantage of this method, that easier to build up the system, the primary structure don�t change when the secondary structure changing, no geometrical changes, physical moving in the cellspace. The other advantage is, that the changefunction is the same for all of the cells.

The proper determination of the primer structure is crucial for an efficient working system.

Secondary structure:

Under the working period, necessary to connect the sensorcells and effectorcells to each other trough signalling channels. These channels building up from the primary structure utilizing the changefunctions. Under the working period, the status of the cells (originally in base state) changes. Based in these changes, build up a special structure, signalling channels, which can conduct the stimulation provided by the environment preserving its specificity. The nature and build up of these channels will be described later.


The system has to accomplish the mechanisms described before. The system's operation based on the changefunction, which has to realise these mechanism. Let see these criteria one by one and examine them how is possible to accomplish them by the changfunction.

The determination of the primary critical stimuli.

a/ At the sensor side, select cells, which connect to sensors which task of the sensors, is to sense the primary critical stimuli. If a primary critical stimulus appears in the environment, the cell change to the active state, and this activity spread across the cellspace changing the state of the connecting cells. This activity not activates the effectorcells, and stay as long as the stimulus exists in the environment.

b/ If the primary critical stimulus based in the stimulus intensity limit rule, do not have to select specific cells to connect the primary critical stimulus sensors, but have to make sure, if a sensor cell get a stimulus, which intensity is over the given limit, then the changefunction value this stimulus to primary critical stimulus. This kind of stimulus travel trough the whole system, trough the boundary of the stimulus routes, but not activate the effector cells.

The primary critical stimuli only cause, but not produce the answers, do not have to be specific, but have to spread freely in the cellspace, because they have to indicate everywhere the existence of a primary critical stimulus. It's role: cellspace activisation, indication that have to have an intervention.

The primary critical stimuli starting from the designated sensor cells (1a), or from every sensor cell depending from the stimulus intensity (1b).

Spreading of the not primary critical stimuli (neutral or secondary critical stimulus) in the cellspace.

These stimuli have to be specific (not like the primary critical); do not let them to spread freely in the cellspace. The spreading has to be realised in insulated channels.

Those sensorcells, which connected to non-primary critical sensors, need to prepare for the channel building, need to set up channel-seeds to these places. The channels will grow up from these seeds by the stimulation of the sensors.

Build up resistanced stimulus-transfer gate on the same time active and contacted channels.

The resistance make it possible, of the stimulus weaker passtrough across the association gates compared to the original strength of the stimulus. It means, that the stimulus can go trough association gates proportionally its strength.

If stimulus spread in the channel, the bordercells of the channel become activity-signalling cells. If an activity signalling cells contacting to an other channel's activity signalling cell (both channel active in the same time), than change the state of the contacted cells to gate-state a stable state (association gate, association connection), which later make it possible, that only one of the channel's activity produce activity for the other one. The passtrough of the stimulus have to become with resistance, otherwise all of the other, secondary and farther association-connected channels become active, do not succeed the stimulus intensity rule.

Interconnection of the sensor and effector cells

Necessary to connect these cells, when primary critical stimulus is present in the cellspace, the system needs to effect an answer.

If an activity-signalling border-cell has in its neighbourhood an effector-cell and a primary-critical stimulus-signalling cell create a signal-carry-over gate, which can lead the signal of the active channel to the effector field given part.

With the repeated stimulation of a channel, the cross-section of the channel growing on the neutral cells account. The number of signal-carry-over gate-cells growing, if the necessary condition of its formation exists.

Stable formations (channels, gates) transform to neutral cells based on random selection. The transformation processes are:
                      gate cell ------ ) border cell 
channel base-state cell -------) border cell 
                  border cell -------) neutral cell

Do not let to create the transformation process irrational structure, for example do not let to form a border cell inside the channel.

The inhibition process not yet elaborated suitably.

The mechanism of the attention to the stimulus power:
If the power of the stimulus growing, the frequency to be in the active state of the sensor-cells growing (until the maximum frequency).

The change-function in four neighbourhoods, two dimension cell-space realised, I do not review it. This is only an experimental change-function because of the 2-dimension limit.

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At the start of the activity of the system, the cells in the cellspace are in base state. The sensor-cells connecting with channel-seeds-state-cells.

During the evolution of the cellspace (on the influence of stimulation) the channel-seeds growing to channels utilized by the primary structure. Contacting to each other and the effector cells, creating a complex net, building up the secondary structure. If the contacting channels active at the same time, build up an association gate between them, and later either channel activity can create activity (with lower intensity) into the other trough this gate.

If primary critical stimulus is exist in the cellspace (the system have to create an intervention in the environment), the same time active channels creating gates at the effector cells, and trough these gates, the channel activity create activity for the gate-connecting effector cells (creating secondary -which has answer- critical stimulus). These effector cells can be stimulated by other active channels, which are in association connections with the channel, which created the gate to the effector cell, but weakened depending on the distance. If not the proper effector cells become active (not effected the proper reaction for the primary critical stimulus), according to the growing of the channels, and the existence of the primary critical stimulus, continuously building up new stimulus-carrier-gates, until the suitable answer not found. After it, the primary critical stimulus extinct, stopped the effector-gates build-up and ceased the activity of the primary critical sensor cells and the connected channels, the states become stable.

If not, or not only the triggering environment-effect generated effector gates build up on the stimulus routes to cease the primary critical stimulus, or not only the suitable effector gates build up (but those as well), then by the forgetting and repetition only those structures stay alive, which the real triggering environment-effect generated channels connect to the suitable effector gates. Until the suitable connection exists, do not born the given primary critical stimulus, only the forgetting has effect to this structure. If the forgetting terminates this structure, the given primary critical stimulus can born again by the effect of the environment, and stay active until the suitable connection build up again. The unnecessary structures destroyed by the forgetting (become base-state cells).

Stimuling any of the stimulus channels, which are mutually in association connection with each other the given stimulus can go around (but continuously weakened) in these channels (even more than once) trough the association gates until it ceased. This way realized the short-term information storage function.

The system extremely redundant. If a cell becomes inactive, it wont disturbs the spread of the stimulus (the stimulus go around of the inactive cell), or if the cell originally was a gate cell, later will be an other gate from an other cell. Of course, do not let to be to many of the defective cells, because the system function will suffer a loss.

The UAA directionate unit state of development depends on the number of the cells, those working frequency, the primary structure complexity and the efficiency of the change function.

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In this study I described a possible theory of a directionate mechanism. I used some results of the research of the cybernetic and psychology to develop this theory.

The described system in this study is not a finished completation. It still has many open ways to research for a directionate system, which is effective working, driveable, and can perform useful task efficiently and can be created in practice. The theory still need more work.

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