Greetings! Merry Meet!

I greet you traveler, on this virutal path,

in wonder that your path has brought you

here to my fantastic vision

that i am called to share with all who chance upon me..

inspired by

the one who is

Remember this -

should you be asked to name me,

by those who care to name things.

I am the breath that you draw even now.

What I am is everywhere you see

and everything you think

everything you feel

everything you hear

everything you taste

everything you smell

everything you intuit in your heart….

I am

as are you. and your brothers and sisters

all around you,

all colors, shapes and sizes, all are me.

without differences between us

there would be no balance

and no life – or love – or hope – or challenge

or reason for being

the positive and negative energies,

good and bad – yin and yang

all are part of me

you alone cannot turn bad to good

only bad can find the desire to change to good itself

as good can be corrupted to bad

but all have true spirit no matter their person

...i will share some thoughts that sustain me:

If you seek peace, give it

accept that you are unique,

but your spirit is part of the universal one,

as is every life form you encounter in a day

revere yourself, and those around you

that show kindness in return

and if you are treated with disdain

or hatred and cruelty

(here is the trick)

learn to turn away

and not reflect back the negative -

hold within you the life positive

and the positive will sustain you

and feed your soul

I humbly welcome you here

and wish you love, light and luck

on your journey of days and nights!

may Elohim, the lord and lady,

the spirit of the four winds,

the Spirits of the Earth and Moon,

the Water Spirits

and the Spirit of Fire

Bless you and yours as you travel!


if your mundane travels

bring you to West Michigan USA

and you seek the company of

like-minded individuals

please check out

yahoo e-groups

grpagans AND gnostic gathering

or The Coptic Fellowship

or email me at

. You can also click below to check the calendar for local events coming up:

View my public
Yahoo! Calendar

some of my other favorite online clubs are:

Folk Magic With Trish Telesco

and, not to forget some of my favorite music
Monster Magnet

Click for Grand Rapids, Michigan Forecast
Julie's Next Project
My Son's page. aperson
My Daughter's page. starberi

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earth air fire water spirit
love peace harmony
always choose the path of future happiness

Please come back soon and visit!

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