| Mission | Guiding
Principles | Implemented Programs
| Current Programs | Future
Programs |
| Contacts
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| Database |
Promotion to environmentally sound development based on Renewable Energy and Energy Saving projects, feasibility studies and promotion in implementation, as well as communities involvement in project implementation. ECOTEAM includes highly qualified experts in the field of solar, wind and hydropower energy, energy saving, environment and collaborate with international and local organizations as consulting body, analyzing different projects.
Date of Establishment: February, 1995; Date of Registration: May 05, 1995 (Ministry of Justice of RA)
Chairman: Dr. Artashes Sarkissian. Members of Board: Arkady Sargsyan, Armen Adikhanyan, Dr. Robert Kharazyan, Levon Toumanyan. Number of members: 22. Number of volunteers - 10.
Scientific secretary: Dr. Knarik Hovhannisyan
NGO ECOTEAM is the founder of monthly Information Bulletin "ECOSCANNER" with articles in Russian, English (in brief), and Armenian (in brief). Registration date - October 12, '98);
Use of pollution free energy sources; Rational use of natural resources;
Communities' participation in projects.
The Strategies:
1. Assessments of renewable energy and energy saving based projects;
2. Applying advanced relevant technologies;
3. Involvement of international PVOs, local NGOs, local communities
n projects implementation.
1. The role of renewable energy sources in Armenian power sector: brief report (1995);
2. Business plan for micro and mini Hydropower plants preparing skills (1995-1996);
3. Renewable Energy Development in Armenia
(including computer data-base development)
(grant from NGO-Center
of AAA and PVO "Save the Children", USA) (1996);
4. Feasibility study of Small Hydropower Station at the Chute near v. Kosh (1996);
5. "Weatherization of doors and windows in Orphanage house in v. Kharberd" (1997) US AID;
6. "Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency
Information Center"
Grant from Eurasia Foundation (1997-1998).
The following activities were carried out during the project implementation:7. "In the world of clean and safe technologies" - grant from TASIS/
Development of Data Bank on renewables;
Three 2-day seminars on renewable energy and energy efficiency;
Three 5-day seminars on Internet skills;
Publication of 10 issues of monthly Information Bulletin "ECOSCANNER"
(registration date - October 12, '98);
8. "Raising Awareness on Multilateral Financial
grant from Polish Ecological
Club (June-Sep., '98);
9. Organization of 3-day seminar "Multilateral
Financial Organizations" jointly
with CEE Bankwatch Network,
Noramberd, Armenia (September 12-15, 1998);
10. Grant from Eurasia Foundation within framework
of Synergy program:
(Dec.'98-Feb. '99);
11. Small Grant from CENN: to support e-mail communication (Jan-June, 1999);
12. Information Services on Renewable Energy".
- Grant from NGO-Center
of AAA (August-December,
1. Publication of information newsletter "ECOSCANNER"2. Running Info Center on Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Environment
Programs for next two years (under development):1. To publish information newsletter "ECOSCANNER".
2. To run renewable energy Info-Center.
3. To render assistance in development of rural communities through
applications of renewable energy sources.4. Development of energy conservation projects.
5. Development of small hydropower station at the chute near v. Kosh.
"Armhydroenergyproject" Institute, Yerevan State University, Siemens Solar Industries (USA), US AID/Hagler Bailley Consulting Y/O, US AID Burns and Roe Enterprise Inc., CEEETA (Portugal), STE (Italy), Ministry of Energy, Ministry of Nature Protection of RA, UNDP, RMA, IREX, NGO Training and Resource Center of AAA (Yerevan), NGO Byurakn, NGO "Association for Human Sustainable Development", NGO "Sustainable Development", NGO "Hunting Union", NGO "Khazer", NGO "Environmental Survival", NGO "Youth Ecological Group", NGO "Green Yerevan", NGO "Union of Entrepreneurs", NGO "Georgian Greens", NGO "Horizonti"(Georgia), NGO "Geothermal Association of Georgia", NGO "Ecopravo" (Georgia), NGO "Nature Protection Society of Azerbaijan", ISAR (Moscow).
Member of European Small Hydropower Association (Brussels);
Member of Association of Energy Engineers, Armenian Department (USA);
Member of International Network for Sustainable Energy (INFORSE);
Member of Caucasus Network of Environmental NGOs.
# 53/22A Abovian Street
Yerevan, 375001
Republic of Armenia
Tel.: (3742) 529277, (3742) 532362;
Fax: (3742)-52-92-77
E-mail: artash@acc.am; artsarg@freenet.am;
artashess@hotmail.com; ecoteam@freenet.am;
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