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Dr Mithilesh Sinha

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Dr Mithilesh Sinha

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Work Information

Job title


A.C.Patil College of Engineering

Koperkhairane Navi Mumbai 400703 India

Key responsibilities

Academic Administration

Co-ordination with Govt. Regulatory


Professional and Academic Leadership


Department or workgroup

Jawahar Education Society

Mumbai University

Maharastra Government

All India Council of Technical


Institution Of Electronics and Telecommunications Engineers

Electrical Engineering

Electronics Engineering

Instrumentation engineering

Computer Engineering




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Contact Information


Electronic mail address


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Office phone

91 22 27540993

Residence phone

91 22 27824732



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Current Projects

Writing a personal Web page

This basic One Page Introductory Web Page

For Friends and Foes to Search me

Creating a College Web Site

Needed for Communications with Alumni

Needed for Communications with students

Needed for Prospective Students to see

Needed for Placement by the Industry


Arranging an Internet media seminar for IETE

To Inform Professionals

To inform Teachers

To inform students

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Biographical Information

Date of Birth - 2nd June 1947

Place of Birth - Patna, Bihar, India

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Exam Passed

Year of entry

Year of passing





Ph. D (Tech)





Signal Processing Bombay Univ.




Above 60%

Control & Instrum I.I.T. Delhi.
B.Sc. (Engg)





Elect. Engg. Patna Univ.





Phy, Chem, Maths Patna Univ.
Secondary School





Phy, Chem, Maths Bihar S.E.B.

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8.0 EXPERIENCE: Total 36 years including 25 years in R & D, 1 year in Industry & 10 years in teaching cum-academic administration.

Landmarks Designation Pay-Scale Specialization
08.01.94 Professor & H.O.D./ PRINCIPAL 16400-22400


Computer Hardware, Data Comm., Indr. Auto.
01-08-88 Engineer-SF 4500-5700 Manufacturing Automation
01-02-81 Engineer-SE 3700-5000 Safety related Controls
31-03-73 Engineer-SD 1100-1600 Non-Contact Instrumentation
25-03-68 Engineer-SC 400-700 Computer Peripherals

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    1. Chairman 1st Annual Technical Seminar TEC95, LTCEXPO97,ACP99.
    2. Senior Paper-Setter and Examiner for 5 Subjects of Bombay University.
    3. Back to top
    1. Regional Director, National Foundation of Indian Engrs. (INDIA) 173 L.
    2. Senior Member, Inst. Of Elect. & Electro. Engrs. (USA) 8670218.
    3. Senior Member, Computer Society of India (INDIA) 016235.
    4. Chartered Engineer (I) & Fellow, Institution of Engineers (INDIA). F 103578.
    5. Life Member, Indian Society for Technical Education LM 18660.
    6. Founder Chairman, New Bombay Sub-Center & Fellow, institution of electronics & Telecommunications Engineers. (INDIA) F 58925.

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11.0 PUBLICATIONS: Total 27 including 12 conference papers, 5 Research papers, 3 Reviews, 2 Design reports and 3 theses.

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1t1. Alternator field control by Thyristor Amplifiers. -------M.K.Sinha, Prof S.Phadke M. Tech.. TThesis, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, July 1968, 51 Pages.

2t2. Report on Radiation Safety Evaluation of Radiation Sterilization Plant "CGS-300" Set up at Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology, Bangalore------K.Krishnamurthy, A.D.Naik, S.S.Patel, M.K.Sinha, D.S.Lawale & V.P.Deshmukh; Oct. 1988, 140 Pages.

3t3. Report on Radiation Safety Evaluation of Cobalt-60 Irradiator for Sewage Hygenisation plant Set up at Gajerawadi Sewage treatment Plant Complex, Baroda----K.Krishnamurthy, A.D.Naik , S.S.Patel, M.K.Sinha, G.S.Ramakrishna and M.R.Shah, Feb 1989, 80 Pages.

4t4. A Novel design approach in Dimensionless Radiometric Metrology -------M.K.Sinha, Prof S.K.Kulkarni Ph.D. Dissertation, 174 Pages, University of Mumbai 1990.

5t5. Low Power High Induction Heating System-----A.C.Holikatti, Prof. V.D.Mytri, Prof. M.K.Sinha ; M.E. Thesis Gulbarga University 175 Pages

6t6. Resonant Power Supply – B.G.Hogade, R.N.Yalwarkar, P.S.Dotihal & M.K.Sinha; M.E. Dissertation Submitted to P.D.A.College of Engineering, Gulbarga, Karnataka, India.


7c1. Development of Ionization smoke detector system for fire protection in industrial and commecial buildings-----K. Krishnamurthy, S.M.Rao, M.K.Sinha, R.S.Deshpande, G.B.Gokhale & S.S.Dutta; Proc. Of the National symposium on Isotope applications in industry at Bhabha Atomic Research Center, Trombay Feb 2-5-1977 pp 501-518.

8c2. Digital Thickness Backscatter Gauge-----M.K.Sinha, K.Krishnamurthy, S.S.Dutta and T.K.Jeyakumar; Proc. Of National Symposium on advances in Non-destructive Testing at Bhabha tomic Research Center, Trombay Dec4-5, 1980 pp 319-324.

9c3. Backscatter Silt density gauge-----M.K.Sinha, K.Krishnamurthy and S.S.Dutta; Radiochemistry and Radiation Chemistry Symposium; University of Poona, Pune Dec. 7-11,1982, NT7, 4 pages.

10c4. Microprocessor Based Slurry Density controller -----M.K.Sinha and K.Krishmnamurthy; RRCC && BARC Workshop on Microprocessor based Instruments, Kalpakkam, April 4-7, 1983, 10 Pages.

11c5. Nuclear Techniques for Process control-----K.Krishnamurthy and M.K.Sinha; National Seminar on Advances in Technology for Quality Assurance at National Productivity Council, Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi Feb 6-10 1984, 13 Pages.

12c6. Investigaton on Gamma Radiation Backscatter for Material Evaluation-----T.K.Jeyakumar, M.k.Sinha, R.R.Wamorkar, at National Symposium on Metallography and N.D.T. : Interaction in materials evaluation, Bhabha Atomic Research Center Trombay, Feb 19-21, 1986, 13 Pages.

13c7. Development of Modular Computer Hardware For control of Sewage Irradiation Plant---M.K.Sinha,S.S.Dutta, C.K.Madhavankutty, K.Krishnamurthy, at National conference on Industrial Applications of Isotopes and Radiation Technology, Bhabha Atomic Research Center, Trombay Feb 17-19, 1988.

14c8. A Method for Measuring the Ash Content of coal by Neutron Activation Technique---G.C.Das, M.K.Sinha, K.Krishnamurthy at National conference on Industrial Applications of Isotopes and Radiation Technology, Bhabha Atomic Research Center, Trombay Feb 17-19, 1988.

15c9. Modular design for Nucleonic Gauging Electronics------M.K.Sinha,S.S.Dutta and K.Krishnamurthy at National conference on Industrial Applications of Isotopes and Radiation Technology, Bhabha Atomic Research Center, Trombay Feb 17-19, 1988.

16c10.Experimental Studies of Backscatter Techniques for various applications ------ T.K.Jeyakumar, M.K.Sinha & R.R.Wamorkar; at National Conference on "Nuclear Science & Technology in India --- Past, Present & Future", Bhabha Atomic Research Center, Trombay Jan 18-20, 1989 (Poster session).

17c11.Develoment in Programmable Controller System for Control of Medical Sterilisation Plant ---- M.K.Sinha, C.K.Madhavankutty, R.D.Iyengar & K.Krishnamurthy; at National Conference on "Nuclear Science & Technology in India --- Past, Present & Future", Bhabha Atomic Research Center, Trombay Jan 18-20, 1989 (Poster session).

18c12.Radioisotope Applications in Industry ---- R.S.Deshpande & M.K.Sinha; at Nuclear Energy Seminar By Hindi Vigyan Sahitya Parishad at Ravindra Bhavan Bhopal April 20-21, 1989 (In Hindi).

19c13.Sewage Sludge Irradiation Technology Development Program in India ---- K.Krishnamurthy, A.D.Naik, S.S.Patel, M.K.Sinha, G.S.Ramakrishna and M.R.Shah, IAEA 1990.

20c14.Features and Limitations of Radiometric Gauges --- M.K.Sinha, Invited Paper, NAARI workshop at Bombay, oct 8, 1991.

21c15.Advances in Information Technology; A Review ---- M.K.Sinha pp 35-39 Telecommunications oct, 1996.


22j1. Stochastic Approach to Instrument Error Specifications ---- M.K.Sinha & S.K.Kulkarni IETE RRevview 6(5), Sept-Oct 1989.

23j2. Computer code for dose Distribution in a Multi-Element Gamma Irradiation Cell --- M.K.Sinha & S.K.Kulkarni Applied Radiat. Isot. 42(1), pp 41-48, 1991.

24j3. A Novel Technique in Nucleonic Gauging for density Measurements with Dimensionless Parameters --- M.K.Sinha & S.K.Kulkarni, Journal IETE, 37(3), May-June 1991.

25J4. Performance in Engineering Colleges : Co-relation with 12th standard Results & Entry Route to Colleges ----- Mithilesh Sinha & Arun Misra; Journal of Higher Education 21(3) Monsoon 1998 pp 385-393.

26J6. Engineering Education: Elitist or competitive --- Mithilesh Sinha (Pending Publication).

27j7. Website -- http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Grounds/2644/%20Drmithileshsinha.htm (Under construction Frontpage2000 & Microsoft Word Generated).



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