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Wassup Wolfe's

    Home Page

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    Links   Pics and Jokes   Downloads   About Me   Email Me  My Message Board
BlueSmearBullet.gif (1067 bytes) Welcome to my page .  You can get to a ton of stuff from this site.  One prized possession of mine is my Links page.  At my Links Page, you can your hand on some priceless jokes, pics, and hilarious attachments.   It's a must see!!  There are also a ton of other links that are definitely worth looking at!
BlueSmearBullet.gif (1067 bytes) At my Downloads Page, you can get some nice little programs that help out in everyday life.
BlueSmearBullet.gif (1067 bytes) In my Pictures/Jokes Page, there are a load of pictures related to me and some that I feel you should see right away.
BlueSmearBullet.gif (1067 bytes) Finally, the About Me Page.  Here you can read all about me and what is going on in my life.  You can download my resume, find out about my schooling, or read about my work.
BlueSmearBullet.gif (1067 bytes) If you find ANY broken links or links that point to the wrong place, please let me know by emailing me or visiting my message board above (M-B).
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BlueSmearBullet.gif (1067 bytes) Please Note - This page is Copyrighted 2000.   If you would like to copy any pictures or files from here, please link to this site, and you will be free of legal obligations.  Thank you and enjoy!