To travel Thinking in travel? Well, maybe
you can get some sugestions in my Album.
I been in most European countries plus U.S.A. I'd visited many cities but
I'd concentrated much more in little concentrations, forgotten by the time.
To see The documentary
Fear and Favor in the Newsroom directed by Beth Sanders is one of the best
contributions toward was is the press and their actual paper in the society.
If you can not watch it, nothing mysterious on it, you have a more tedious
available. Or also a review
in my quite poor english... :-(
To listen Pat Metheny Group
with their enjoyable developed jazz. Then, one can relax with the medieval and traditional music of Milladoiro
, from the mystic Galicia.
To read
The last book I've readed
Crime and Punisment in America
of Elliot Currie, has a powerful argument against the past American policies
toward deviance and control. Here you will find my review
My interests
Some of my bigest interests are
in the branchs of Social Sciences. Sociology, Psychology and Economics.
Major focus' points: Collective Behaviour & Soc. Mvmnts. Conflict Resolution Deviant Behaviour & Soc. Disorg. Mass Comm. & Public Opinion Rational Choice Social Psychology World Conflict
Some great free programs
for PCs just for you. Don't worry, they are not
contamined. All compressed on zip.
Caledos The best Walpaper Changer I'd ever seen (Win95/98.) You not only can set the pictures to put on
the desk but also control the frecuency exposure mode...
Download the Caledos
(189KB), you'll just love it!
Another practical wallpaper changer. It is best for fast and rotative changes.
Fonts' Viewer This program will allow you to
see, all at once, all those fonts you have in your computer. It was
about time to have one of these programs since to find the font you was
looking for was a imposible mision... Download the Fonts' Viewer
(155KB), you won't regret it!
Perfect 'Notepad'
With this marvel you won't use anymore the ugly NotePad of Windows.
EditPad, instead, is more versatile, more pleasing and still small.
You can have it in many languages and does not require installation. Anything else?
Download the EditPad
(291KB), now!
Who am I? I am just a Chemical/Biochemical Laboratory Technician. Currently,
I am studying International Commerce and participating as a member of the Michigan. Probably,
I will end making my thesis in International Economics... during and internship
in a sociological institution in Angola to, finally, work as a Child Counselor
back in Galicia... CRAZY WORLD THIS!!!
Future Plans
It may irresponsible or perhaps "cool", but the truth I have no idea of what I'm going to do!
As I mentioned before, the future is no bringing me anything else than changes.
It's, therefore, that I don't really care much as long as I feel secure enough.
To become an economist or a psychologist will be my secondary choices.
Therefore, freedom and a broader concept of knowledge about myself and others has
become a routine in my the day after day tasks. Unfortunately that way of functioning
had some unpleasant repercussions; I don't have a true place where to put my roots on
or even a true work to where give my full attention.