A big 'Hello to one and all! This hompage had gotten a little rusty in its old clothes.. so here's the 'All New and Improved' version... hope u'all like it. New items included here (other than the snazzy good looks and the occassional typo) are the articles,the Flash IDI page, the techie links, and the RFCs (think-this-over_s). Then there's the usual stuff.. bios, personals and news (about me, me, and me). Yes.. and the gaming resources links now have more than just StarCraft :) .

New New New... the "Joystick" page is up!

..So take your time and go thru' the clicks... the 'fun stuff' includes a picture collection, and some interesting concoctions the 'trix' section has some handy tricks, some about electronics, and others, not. The RFC section should make for some interesting reading [comments are invited]. The page on 'projects' is rather verbose, so watch out! The resources (re:src) page has a hotchpotch, from howto_s to PIC code examples. Additions to the 'links' page include links to 'controller resources RPF fansites and new gaming links.

Please excuse the 'under constructon' yellow triangles.. those little people are shovelling real hard, and deserve some slack.. (but *do* please report dead links!)