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JARS top 25% rated
JRE Class Explorer
Version 1.51      Release notes
JRE Class Explorer is written entirely in the Java (TM) programming language. JRE Class Explorer explores Java Runtime Environment (JRE) classes. Only about a half of all JRE classes are documented. JRE Class Explorer allows you to explore all JRE classes, nested classes, constructors, fields and methods. It creates two trees: "Tree of packages with classes" and "Tree of classes inheritance". You can see all descendants of a class including non-documented classes. It is possible to explore classes of other Java Archive (JAR), ZIP and single .class-files.
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JRE Class Explorer download (ClassExplorer.zip)
JARS top 25% rated
Version 1.51       Release notes
Link Checker is written entirely in the Java(TM) programming language. Link Checker is an excellent utility for checking Web sites and HTML documents for broken links. Link Checker checks internal and external links, builds a tree of parsed HTML files and tables of found links in explorer-style interface, creates checking reports (in HTML format). You can correct broken links using internal editor. Link Checker gives you many options to specify which files, links and protocols you want to check. Link Checker supports "http", "ftp", "file" and "https" protocols; supports proxy servers. More than 10 tags with 15 link attributes are tested.
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Link Checker download (LinkChecker.zip)
JARS top 25% rated
Version 2.02    New features
Web Loader is written entirely in the Java(TM) programming language. Web Loader downloads web sites to your computer's hard drive. Web Loader gives you many options to specify which files you want to download. Use this handy tool to copy your favorite web sites to your hard drive for off-line browsing, presentations, archiving and site mirroring. Web Loader runs fully automated, multithreaded and link-following. It saves on-line time and money. Once the download process finishes work, you can browse it off-line using internal or your favorite external web browser. Web Loader supports "http", "ftp" and "file" protocols.
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Web Loader download (WebLoader.zip)