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I'm suggesting you check out my GrassRootPodcasts.com domain to learn about software, hardware and streaming methods used to produce "Internet Radio" broadcasts today.

Podcasting was birthed by a celebrity with MTV in the '80s.

AfroNet Sysops created dial-up channels to connect distant communities across the United States via 28kbps modems and I was one of them. All total more than 100 African American independently managed BBS board served audiences all over America and usually for FREE. I named the Afro-Net Boston Hop SpiritDataTree.com.

podcast briefs:

On February 5, 2005, Shae Spencer Management LLC of Fairport, New York filed a trademark application to register PODCAST for an online prerecorded radio program over the internet. On September 9, 2005, the United States Patent and Trademark Office rejected the application.

The rejection notice cited Wikipedia's podcast entry as describing the history of the term. (source: WikiPedia Online.)

See you on WilliamMurrell.com.