
About Us


Our Challenge









Team Members


Eleanor Roosevelt High School's
Year 2000 Homepage!
The Competition Has Begun!

Check out the Rules Here!
Music for Team Inferno’s site


Enter the chat room below to discuss the competition.

NEW!!! NEW!!!

   July 4, 2000

Happy Fourth of July everyone!  As you can tell we really haven't updated this page all that much, mostly because we were so into the robot the last few days that we didn't think of anything else.  A recent web ring (see below) has been created for the FIRST teams, and it's forced me to update the page.  

As for the team, we placed 36 out of 40 in the VCU regional (chain drive kept on failing), and in the lower third in Nationals.  The good news is that we've learned alot, and that next year should be far more effective.  We probably won't be called Inferno, and our motto and such will change, but this page will still be here.  Probably in a new format, but it'll be here.

   February 6, 2000

IMPORTANT: The Chairman's Award is due FRIDAY FEBRUARY 11th, by 5:00 PM. If any team member has something that they feel should be included, let it be known asap.
Special thanks to NASA for anodizing our robot frame, it looks great.

   January 21st, 2000

Just added, the new POLL SECTION, vote for a wide range of topics.

School opened late on January 18th and 21st and the morning meetings were cancelled.School was closed on January 20th and the morning meeting was also cancelled.Team members listen for phone calls, check your email, and watch the website for updates on Saturday sessions.

   January 15th, 2000

In the aftermath of our first Saturday session, we've learned that this is not going to be easy...but it's gonna be fun! Updated the Links, Robot, Competition, and About Us pages. Also...like the music?Tell us!

   January 13th, 2000

Major update! With the challenge finally up, and everyone workinghard, we finally have a TON of information to put up! Look forcontinuous updates on the Team Page, Robot Page, and this main page in thenear future.

This FIRST Robotics Sites site operated by Kevin Genson.
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