Jaimyoung Kwon

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Department of Statistics, University of California at Berkeley

Dept of Statistics
367 Evans Hall
Berkeley, CA 94710-3860

Phone: (510)558-9003
Fax: (510)642-7892
E-MAIL address: kwon@stat.berkeley.edu


Statistical Inferences for Social and Life Scientists (4 Units) Fall 2001. (Course webpage)


Visiting postdoc researcher working jointly at Department of Statistics, ERL (Electronics Research Laboratory) and ITS(Institute of Transportation Studies) of University of California at Berkeley

Research Interests

Large and complex data, Graphical model, Computational statistics,
Time/spatial statistics with application to transportation science among others.
Bioinformatics, Application of statistics to sciences and engineering,

See my Curriculum Vita (PDF) and Statement of Research Interests (PDF).

My research programs include:

A. Transportation

  1. Travel time prediction using highway loop data. (See the modeling web page and papers below)
  2. Hidden Markov modeling of freeway traffic status.
  3. Detecting and imputing malfunctioning loops.

B. Generalizing the calculus of statsitical efficiency to general non i.i.d. cases.

  1. Extension of statistical efficiency to the general non-iid situations (Jointly with Peter Bickel)
  2. Application of Kernel plug-in estimation in Markov chains.

C. Genetics, geology, etc.

  1. Application of statistics to the problem of estimating the decay constant in geochronology. (Jointly with Kyoungwon Min, Paul Renne and Peter Bickel)
  2. Statistical genetics: Analyzing microarray gene expression data to find transcription factor binding sites on DNA.

PhD, Dissertation

"Calculus of Statistical Efficiency in a General Setting; Kernel Plug-in Estimation for Markov Chains; Hidden Markov Modeling of Freeway Traffic" [pdf]
Dept of Statistics, University of California, Berkeley, California
Committee: Peter J. Bickel (chair), John Rice, David Brillinger.


Bickel, P.J. and Kwon, J. (2001). "Inference for Semiparametric Models: Some Current Frontiers (with Discussion)," Statistical Sinica Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 863-960. [pdf (paper), pdf (response)]

Bickel, P.J., Chen, C., Kwon, J., Rice, J., Varaiya, P. and van Zwet, E. (2001). "Traffic Flow on a Freeway Network," to appear in the Proceeding of MSRI Workshop on Nonlinear Estimation and Classification, Berkeley, California, March 19-29, 2001, Springer. [pdf]

Kwon, J., Min, K., Bickel, P. J. and Renne, P. R. (in press). "Statistical methods for jointly estimating decay constant of $K^{40}$ and age of a dating standard," Mathematical Geology. [pdf]

Kwon, J., Coifman, B., and Bickel, P., (2000). "Day-to-Day Travel Time Trends and Travel Time Prediction from Loop Detector Data," Transportation Research Record no. 1717, Transportation Research Board, pp. 120-129. [pdf]

Working Papers

Kwon, J. and Rice, J. "The Web of Evidence: Detecting Malfunctions in an Array of Correlated Sensors." In preparation, expected January 2002.

Other Contributions

Kwon, J. and Murphy, K. (2000) "Modeling Freeway Traffic Using Coupled Hidden Markov Models," Technical report. [pdf]

Petty, K., Ostland, M., Kwon, J., Rice, J. and Bickel, P. (in press) "A New Methodology for Evaluating Incident Detection Algorithms," Transportation Research, Part C. [pdf]

Presentations and Invited Lectures

"Kernel plug-in estimation for Markov processes," Bernoulli/IMS Joint meeting, Guanajuato, Mexico. Presentation, August 2000.

"Kernel plug-in estimation for Markov chains; Hidden Markov modeling of freeway traffic," Weekly seminar, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea. November 2000.

"Day-to-Day Travel Time Trends and Travel Time Prediction from Loop Detector Data," 2000 Annual TRB Meeting, Washington D.C. Presentation, January 2000. (joint work with Bickel, P., Rice, J.)

"Hidden Markov Modeling of Freeway Traffic Status ," Interface 2000, New Orleans, Louisiana. Invited Poster, August 2000.

"Hidden Markov Modeling of Freeway Traffic Using Iterative Conditional Modes," Workshop on Statistics Methods for the Evaluation of Complex Computer Models, Santa Fe, New Mexico, December 1999.

"Geometry of asymptotically efficient estimation: IID cases and beyound," Basic Notion Seminar, Dept of Statistics, UC Berkeley, California. October 1999.

Invited Workshops

Workshop on Analysis of Large datasets, Boulder, Colorado, August 2000.

Personal Tidbits

I was born in 1972 in Seoul, Korea. I learned math, computer science and statistics at Seoul National University. I received BS (CS and statistics, 1994) and MS (statistics, 1996) there. Two months after I married Yunhee (5/18/1996) I came to the US (7/15/1996) to learn more statistics at UC Berkeley. Received Ph.D. in statistics in 12/14/2000.

Check out my spiritual family, the Berkland Baptist Church at Berkeley, in which I met my personal savior in 1997. It is a part of an extended family... which also runs KBSK(Korean Baptist Student Association) for Korean speaking college students and ABSK(Asian Baptist Koinonia) for Asian Baptist students.

Are you a KOREAN planning to come to Berkeley for the first time? Click here for some helpful info. (In Korean: 처음으로 버클리 지역으로 오시는 한국분은 여기를 클릭하세요.)

Among the books I love are the Bible, books by A. N. Whitehead (1861-1947), "Daodeqing(道德經)" by Laozi(老子). My favorite musicians are J. S. Bach (1685-1750) and Keith Green (1954-1982). The Simpsons is my favorite TV show.

Google my first name.


Old family photo,(pre-Brian era. Yunhee, me and Christine)

Christine (born in 1998)

Brian (born in 2000).

Christmas card (Yosemite, CA, Nov. 2000)

Together at a cherry-picking field (Livermore, May 2001)

Christine drew a dinosaur! (July, 2001)

Christine and me 1 and 4 (thanks to Philsun Choi, Berkeley, October 2001)

Christine in "gaang-aji ddong" (thanks to Sungwon Ahn, Alcatraz church building, Thanksgiving 2001)

Christmas Card (thanks to Philsun Choi, Yosemite, CA, Dec. 2001)


Keyword: Korean, Christian, Baptist, Church, Help, Life, Berkeley, San Francisco, graduate student, housing, international, driver's license, Questions