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  posterized pic of me
I'd like to personally welcome you to my personal, self-promotional, exceptional (okay maybe I'm pushing it there) web site. This site includes fun stuff, my babble and a few extras just for kicks. Let me introduce myself, my name is Sarah Melynda Mangione. I am SMM Designs.
  the red pic

I don many hats (despite the fact that I'm not wearing any here). The one over to the left is the professional looking hat. Unfortunately, I was unable to leave it alone and had to alter it somewhat. However, this is the hat required to tell you about the site producer: me! She is a multimedia specialist...or new media depending on the en vogue term in your neighborhood. Formerly (or was that in my last life), a graphic artist turned into computer geek. A new kid on the block in terms of digital design, wed site production etc. and rendition. And just to really impress you, this was produced, written, designed, authored and distributed this site.

This site includes a lot of information. Some of which will hopefully be of interest to you. I can start by telling you that my lifestory is here (no worries - it's the brief version), my tales from China as well as some portfolio shots (both art work and modeling). In case you have an overwhelming desire to hire me, my resume is here (and searcheable - how cool is that!). Then there's the goodies (don't go and sneak off to the goodies page first).
  Blue period painting
So you might be asking yourself what you're doing here. I ask myself that question every day...but I digress. "What's in it for me?", you query. Well you can become as intimately acquainted with me as the medium permits (okay, worded that way, I'd be a little frightened too). Okay, a better reason for you to stay? Well you never know, you might actually find me somewhat entertaining...it might be worth giving it a shot. Some people do think I'm rather funny (and no, I did not pay them to say that).

Ahhh, just keep clickin'....whatcha got to lose.....


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