Ron Froebe & The Dalles High
Class of 1955

The Dalles, Oregon

Also, a picture of The Dalles Class of 1956 at their 50 reunion, at the bottem.

Hello: Thanks for visiting my web page.

Last update/accessed: April 9, 2009.

Go ahead and make my day: e-mail me at:

Be sure to scroll to the bottom of this page to see the pictures of The Dalles High class of 1955 taken at the 2005, 2000 and the 1995 reunions.

The OFFICIAL web page for the class of "55 has become:

MORE class pictures are at:

My Favorites:

  • Senior Computer Learning Center
  • The Dalles news
  • Here is our picture taken Aug. 27, 2005 at The Dalles Country Club.

    Front row, Standing: Darlene Bright Farmer, Sitting: L to R: Jeanne Delano (aka. Jelena Camille Zednik), Charles Lane, Ken Benson, Ron Froebe, Milt Ryan, Gayla Collins Holmes, Dawn Bryan Galliano, Barbara Dillinger Bates, David Bates, Fern Cyphers Stephens, Carmen Kendrick Ambos, Sharon Leedy Banzer, Marilyn Atwood Klingberg, Laurene Hayzlett Sallee and Pat Herbst Potter.

    2nd row: Jeannette Delano Hodges, Margaret Sim Vestal, Earline Clark Wasser, Freda White Knight, Nina Dawkins Dunn, Louise Nothiger Long, Rosemary Whitworth Meyer, Sidney Reynolds Mayfield, Paula Geer Nichols, Virginia Sousley Parks, Sue Wallace Head, Arlene Vipperman Jones, Marie Miller Guarnieri, Janet Berger Harmon, Russell McDonald, teacher Walt Smith, Charles Clayton, and George Blakeley.

    3rd row: Ed Chambers, Blair Stoddard, Harold Egbert, Robert Wiley, Lloyd Jones, Kenneth Williams, Richard Havig, Gary Stein, Richard McKinnon, Anne Phillips our first grade teacher at Chenowith School in 1943, Jeanette Bonney Clifton, Wesley Wheatley and James Hardin.

    4th row: Frances Pattee Trumbull, Kent DeBoer and Lee Hoodenpyle.

    5th row: Yvonne Johnson Meier and Charles Austin.

    6th row: Joanne Emerson Brewer and David Jones.

    7th row: Bob Joseph.

    8th row: Dale Woodard.

    Top, behind wall: teachers: Lester T. Jensen and Raymond Hotka. And a spouse.

    June Smith McCullough planned to attend but due to her husbands illness, she did not.

    Not pictured but who came to the Friday bar-be-que, and/or to the Sunday brunch: Margaret Curtiss Tornblade, Patricia Costello Stultz, Sharon Sawtell Boyles and Lavern Morris.

    Thanks to Russ McDonald, Jeanette Bonney Clifton and Ed Chambers for help with these names.

    The Dalles High School, Class of 1955, Class Reunion, Aug. 2000:

    Front row: left to right: Charles Austin, Richard Havig, Dave Jones, Carrol Bourland, Russell McDonald, Joanne Emerson Brewer, Milton Ryan.

    Second row: Ed Chambers, Arlene Vipperman Jones, Lois Dinsmore Kelly, Ron Froebe, Lee Hoodenpile, Yvonne Johnson Meier, Richard McKinnon, Ron Ryan.

    Third row: Dave Bates, Earline Clark Wasser, Carmen Kendrick Ambos, Fern Cyphers Stephens, Paula Geer Nichols, Virginia Sousley Parks, Darlene Bright Farmer, Jeanette Bonney Clifton, Frances Pattee Trumbull.

    Fourth & back row: Bob Joseph, Daniel Flaman, Harold Egbert, Marilyn Atwood Klingerg, Keith Leppaluoto, Lloyd Jones, James Hardin, Jerry Bonn, Freda White Knight, & Barbara Dillinger Bates.

    Not pictured, but came to the brunch the next morning: Laurene Hayzlett Sallee.

    Thanks to Joanne Emerson Brewer, Yvonne Johnson Meier & Carrol Bourland for help with these names.

    The Dalles High, Class of 1955, 40th Reunion of 1995:

    From left top: Jim Wilson, Jim Hardin, Paula Geer Nichols, Keith Leppalauto, Marilyn Atwood Klingberg, Carol Bourland, Dave Bates, Ron Ryan, Lee Hoodenpile, Bob Joseph, Russ McDonald, Ed Chambers, Dave Jones, Lavern Morris, Dave Ulrich, Richard Havig, Earline Clark Wasser, Arlene Vipperman, Francis Pattee Trumbull, Freda White Knight.

    Front Row: Ron Froebe, Barbara Dillinger Bates, Joanne Emerson Brewer, Edith Harrington Walker, Richard McKinnon, Lloyd Jones, Myrna Stephens Pitchford, Virginia Sousley Campbell and Fern Cyphers Stephens.

    O BROTHERS O SISTERS WHERE ART THOUS? If anyone knows where these people are, please let me know. E-mail me or snail mail me at the Senior Computer Learning Center, Holladay Park Plaza, 1300 NE. 16th Ave., Portland, OR 97232.

    Juanita Rose Berglund, Patricia Sue Boyd, Robert John Brandl, Beverly Cavis, Ann Hutchinson, Elizabeth Laplante, Beverly Lutz, Mike Moore, Bill Newcomb, Pat L. Smith, and Trudy Wheeler.

    DECEASED: Charles Beattie (June 1996), Jackie Aycock Smith, Kent Bies, Larry Homer, Patricia Lawance Berry, Betty McFarlin, Dan Head, Haupt, Kay McKay Grotjohn, Fred Richey, Edwin Smith (*aa), Carolyn Treadway Feb. 1954(*aa), Jean Wray Perler, Ron Ryan (Oct. 2001), James Littleton, Donna Jean Blakely Hanks (April 2002), Albert Lawrence Ryan, Fay Shambow Bowers (cFeb.2002), David Ulrich (Nov. 04), Betty Stephens Holman (Jan. 2006), Dawn Bryan Galliano (April 9, 2006), Randall Brown (Aug. 2006), Chuck Stuart (May 2007) and Nina Dawkins Dunn (Jan. 08), David Bates July 2008, Margaret Sim Vestal, Oct. 2008 and Lester T Jensen (Instructor, March 2009). (*aa = auto accident)


    Florence Billson Stout, James Caldwell, Larry Chapman, Gladys Cole Laney, Jack Conner, Robert (Bob) Cook, Doyle Cottongim, David Norman Davis, Bill Day, Jack Dean, John Doran, Bill Garner, Howard Harness, Rusel Hause, Valiene Heckart, Don Herrin, Teresa Kelly Voss, Barbara Kenslow Beardsly, Sandy Kroll Hall, Nancy Leabo Robideau, Delores Lewis Phillis, John Martin, Pat McClard Oliver, Jerry McGuire, Dave McKee, Pat Mead Cook, Mary Nell Morris Morrison, Donna Page Dickson, Robert Peal, Donna Peterson Cloud, Phillis Robideau Wildrick, Kleah Rowley Nelson, Joanne Rue Roth, Jack Sagen, Larry Shimp, Bob Skaugset, Walt Smith, Bob Tyack, Meda White Adkins.

    Former Classmates: Georgine Dunlop O'Conner, Barbara Elliot Green, Norman Goree, Shirley McDonald, Gorden Mee, Mavis Morrison Rogers, Vernon Oldfield, Sharon Rice Barrier, Wayne R Salley, Bob Schoonhoven, Frank Tussing, Jerrell White.

    I believe all the student names have been listed above at least once. I may be wrong, and the spelling? Please let me know.

    Lots of thanks to Earline Clark Wasser, Joanne Emerson Brewer, and Russ McDonald for help in updating this information.

    The fine print: Please let me know of any errors, omissions, additions, misspellings, etc. E-mail at:

    How did The Dalles get its name?
    What does the word "dalles" mean?

    The word dalles is generally thought to derive from the French plural of dalle, meaning "gutter" or, possibly, "tube" or "conduit". ... Local history suggest that The Dalles, Oregon, a place where the Columbia River once moved swiftly between steep canyon walls, was named by French Canadian trappers: the steplike rapids created by the flow of water over columnar basalt might well resemble water moving through an enormous gutter lined with flagstone. The Grand Dalles refers to the great rapids east of the present town, which were inundated by the backwaters of newly built Dalles dam in 1957...."
    As suggested by Kim Barnes, and published in the Portland Oregonian, Oct. 1, 2006.
    I walked the Portland Marathon of 26.2 miles in October, 2002, in 7 hours and 52 minutes. I'm glad I did it once just to see if I could, but I was very stiff and sore for the next couple of days and I will never do that again.

    First row: JAMES HARDIN, ??, RON FROEBE, Gerald Wagner, RUSSELL McDONALD, Vernon Oldfield, ??, Bill Ketchum (2nd grade)

    Second row: teacher, Ann McNabb Phillips, MARGARET SIM, Bonnie Thompson (2nd grade), Shirley Lundy (2nd grade), BARBARA ELLIOTT, Joyce Gregory. The capatalized names are for those who spent at least some time at The Dalles High School in the class of "55. Photo furnished by Russ McDonald.

    Two of my favorits.

    The Dalles High Class of 1956, 50th reunion, as published in The Dalles Chronicle Oct. 9, 2006. Thanks to Earline Wasser for this picture.

    Front row: Maria Sanders Peterson, Elaine McNaught Walker, Judy Powell Albro, Jolz? Perkins Naegell, Dotti Bensen Cunningham, Virginia Taylor Leschner and Frank Hammel.

    Second row: Maurice Traughber, Deanna Dixon Lish?, Rita Anthony Hendrickson, Del Hendrickson, Jackie Baker Watkins, Juanita Stanek Holling, Mary Ann Birge Hass, Frances Chapman Hinkins, Vera May Keeney Smith, Betty Shaw Root, Helen Emerson Brewer, Sally Hubel Stoddard, Marty Grady Roark, Ed Gustafson, Norma Slaughter Schockley, Ruth Geon Lantis, Lois Viers Swanson and Joanne Osborne Jolliffe.

    Third row: Albert Lutz, Rodney Dow, Gary Evars, Joyce Willett Davis, Christine Reuter Brockway, Linda Reed Lee, Beth Butler Urses, Nanet Stevensen Catmill, Sandra Renken Johnson, Judy Fulton Elston, Bill Roark, Doug Keil, Alice Schanno Van Leo, Mike Probstfield, Robert Stanek, Phil Blaschke and Bernell Roundy.

    Top row: Clyde Stevenson, Bob Masoner, Mike Ferguson, Larry Hill, Doug Woolsey, Gary Meeker, Bud Root, Joe Haynes, Bob Altendorf, Bill Schwartz, Pat Foley, Bill Young, Stan Stout, Bob Lee and Larry Larson.

    SPELLINGS?? Some of the names were difficult to read in the e-mail picture so please send me the correct spelling.