Barry L. Ritholtz

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Market Commentaries
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Hi, I'm Barry Ritholtz. I'm the Market Strategist for EKN Securities. Amongst my many duties is writing a bi-weekly Market Commentary for the firm's Brokers, Portfolio Managers and clients. (You can subscribe to this commentary by sending an email here).

If I'd enjoyed writing dry, unimaginative prose . . . well, than I'd still be a practicing attorney. So if you're looking for run of the mill market observations, you've come to the wrong place. Expect the unexpected.

If you stopped by to peruse the archives of those very same market comments, they are linked to your left. Looking for my biography, professional resume, or other writings? They're also linked nearby.

In addition to my financial writings, I also address a wide range of other issues -- technology, music, automoblies, politics, modern society -- just about anything that gets me going is fair game.

This modest site is a very minor experiment in teaching myself how to code in HTML; You can look forward to few graphics and zero multimedia. (Hey, your time is valuable, too). As long as you're here anyway, you might as well click around a bit.

If you've got something to say, then by all means please do.


Best Wishes,


Copyright © 2001 Barry L. Ritholtz, All Rights Reserved worldwide. May not be copied, stored or redistributed without prior, written permission. Home