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In Loving care, a picture of some of my girls

(Just in case you are wondering, I keep bees)

Please choose a site of your choice from below...

WHO IS Kevin (KC8LNE)??WHO Cares??
***Click Here To Read The Bio***

Need Help With your CW???
***Click here for the CW Guide***

Don't know what to do on 2-meters??
***Click Here To Read The Beginers Guide***

Need to get that "HAM TICKET"?
***Click here for a Practice exam***

Mills Apiaries

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Now part of The Ham radio hobby is getting other people into it. These links are numbered from 1 to 6. Start with 1 and move on up to 6. By the time that you have visited these links you should be able to take, and PASS!!! Those exams. So 73, and Good Luck! Kevin Mills DE KC8LNE

OKEY! Here we go!
1. Studing for the Written Exam 2.Take a Sample written Exam 3. Learn Morse Code
4. Listen to CW to pick up your Speed 5. Schedule for on the air listening by W1AW Where an exam session is, and wether it is in your area