Sergey A. Tolstov, Ph. D.
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December, 2000 Ph.D. degree (Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences). Thesis: "Mathematical and methodical support of the estimation of low activities of radionuclides for scintillation gamma- and beta-spectrometry" defended at Byelorussian State University (Minsk, Belarus). Specialty No 01.04.01: "Technique of physical experiment, physics of devices, automatization of physical research".
1995-1998  Post-graduate student at International Sakharov Environmental University (Minsk, Belarus). Specialty No 05.13.16: "Application of computer techniques, mathematical simulation and mathematical methods in scientific research".
1990-1995 Byelorussian State University, Department of Physics (specialization in nuclear physics and electronics). Graduated with honor. Degree work: "System of stabilization of the energy scale of the scintillation beta-gamma spectrometer".
03/2003 - present time Software developer
ESRI, Redlands, CA
09/2002 - 03/2003 Independent contractor
Atomtex Enterprise, Minsk, Belarus
09/1995-03/2003 Researcher
International Sakharov Environmental University, Minsk, Belarus
1998-2000 Independent contractor
Atomtex Enterprise, Minsk, Belarus
  • Computer programming (C++, Borland Delphi, Visual Basic, Fortran). COM and Windows API.
  • Computational geometry.
  • Computer graphics (2D/3D rendering).
  • Physics and mathematics.
  • Numerical analysis.
  • Mathematical statistics.
  • Firmware programming in assembler and C.
  • Electronics.
  • Instruments and technology for nuclear measurements and monitoring (alfa, gamma, beta spectrometers and radiometers).
  • Electron spin resonance (ESR) / electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectrometers and ESR-spectra simulation.
  1. V. Muravsky, S.A. Tolstov, Analysis of low intensity scintillation spectra / Specialized Software Utilities for Gamma Ray Spectrometry / IAEA-TECDOC-1275 / 2002.
  2. V.A. Muravskii, S.A. Tolstov, Comparison of methods for estimating components in low-intensity spectra // Journal of Applied Spectroscopy. - 1998. - Vol. 65, N3, P. 357-361. (Abstract)
  3. Muravsky V.A., Tolstov S.A., Kholmetskii A.L. Comparison of the least squares and the maximum likelihood estimators for gamma-spectrometry // Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B. - 1998. - Vol. 145, N 4. - P. 573-577. (Abstract)
  4. Muravsky V.A., Tolstov S.A. Algorithms of nuclides activities estimation by the maximum likelihood method // Application of semiconductor detectors in nuclear physics: Abstracts of 5th Int. Conference, Riga, May, 18-22, 1998 / Riga, 1998. - P. 102. (Abstract)
  5. Muravsky V.A., Tolstov S.A. Statistical criterion for choosing of optimal model of ionizing radiation spectra // Application of semiconductor detectors in nuclear physics: Abstracts of 5th Int. Conference, Riga, May, 18-22, 1998 / Riga, 1998. - P. 103. (Abstract)
  6. , 7. 8. 9. ... Publications in Russian editions (with abstracts in English)

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Last updated August 2005