Who Am I ?



My name is BALIAN DANY

I’m born at 17 March 1978 in Baghdad, IRAQ.

I’m Lebanese

And I live in marash street, Bourj hammoud, Lebanon.

I’m Single now and never married before.

My mostly known nick is BaBa DanY

My Mobile phone Number is 961-3-660984

And my E-mail address is: mrdany@altavista.com




What are my Educational Achievements and Degrees


-1997             :  Lebanese University (Fanar) Department of Chemistry

                           Current Grade (Second Year) .

-1992-1995   :  Secondary education at College des Freres, Mont la sale (Ain Saadeh)

   Secondary certificate achieved: Experimental Sciences .

-1981-1992   :  Primary education at College St. Gregoire, Achrafieh .



What do I do and what have I done?


-Mai  1993     :   Worked full time in an Air Conditioning Company 

-Aug 1999     :   Supervisor at VIRUS internet Café (Hamra, Bliss Street) and Software

    Technician, still working there (part time) .



What else do I know?


-Jan.  1994   : 30 day First Aid Camp / Certified First Aid Achievement .

-Mai    1999   : Networking Essentials (Microsoft Certified) at Formatech Sodeco .

-Jun. 1999   : Installing, administering and Supporting Microsoft Windows NT 4.0

                          (Microsoft Certified) at Formatech Sodeco .

-Mai.   2000   : Programming: Java Language .



My Languages


                            Written                Spoken

-English:                  Excellent                    Very Good

-French:                   Excellent                    Good

-Arabic:                    Excellent                    Excellent

-Armenian:              Excellent                    Excellent

-Chinese:                 Null                             Null


What do I know about Computers?


-MS DOS Expert.

-MS Windows 3.x / Windows 9x Professional.

-MS Word ,Excel , Power point ,etc Professional.

-HTML Language Expert.

-JavaScript Professional.



What do I do to have Fun?


-Playing Chess

-Listening to Music (Slow Rock)


-Ping Pong


-Internet (Browsing, Chatting…) 



My Actual Activities…


-Scouting: Scout Leader at Groupe St. Gregoire, Achrafieh (60 girl/boy-scouts)



What else can I be proud of?


-Driving License



My Favorite Quotes


-It’s all mine, and all paid for.

-Because when you know more, you earn more.