Kiat (Business Development Director, START Centre), Jim Prentice (Board Member, SHOUT; Support Helps Others Use Technology), & Zen Koh (CEO, START Centre) (from left)

“Start Quality Living, Independently”

Singapore Therapeutic, Assistive & Rehabilitative Technologies

(START) Centre

Dr. Katya Hill (Executive Director, AAC Institute), Zen Koh, (CEO, START Centre) & Dr. Bruce Baker (President, Semantic Compaction Systems) (from left)



It is estimated that approximately 10% of the global population are living with some form of congenital or acquired disabilities, which can be either transient or permanent. These include the physically disabled, the cognitively challenged, the visually impaired, and the hard of hearing.

The number is even larger if we include the geriatric populations; common aging-related disabilities are visual impairments, hard of hearings and physical limitations. These impairments, if unaddressed, typically resulted in a sharp decline in social interactions and poor quality of life.

While Asia is one of the fastest growing economy, it is also plagued with a rapidly graying population, particularly for China and Japan. Therefore it is important to develop, promote, and strengthen the Assistive, Rehabilitative and Therapeutic (ART) technology industries to cater for such growing demands. The Singapore Therapeutic, Assistive & Rehabilitative Technologies (START) Centre understands that and is fulfilling this critical role.

START Centre specializes in the technology transfer, commercialization of research projects, evaluation, training, custom design and installation of a variety of ART applications to assist people with disabilities to achieve their vocational, educational and independent living goals. We work with people of all ages and disabilities to help improve independence and quality of life.

Areas in which ART solutions are provided include: Computer Access, Augmentative & Alternative Communication (AAC), Environmental Control ( which includes work site accommodations), Mobility Aids (which includes powered mobility, vehicle modification consultations, custom designs and modifications).

START Centre believes in a simple yet challenging mission:

To be a multiplier in the promoting, developing, and supporting of the Asian Assistive, Rehabilitative & Therapeutic (ART) Technology industry to support people with disabilities in the achieving of their vocational, educational and independent living goals.”

We are completely objective and non-biased in our approach to each client and we remain vigilant in our quest to provide the most appropriate and effective solutions to each client we serve. So, please work with us and ...

Start Quality Living, Independently”.

· 01/11/06 — Assistive & Rehabilitative Technology Symposium (ARTS) - “ Towards Inclusive Society in Asia: Policy or Technology?”

ARTS is part of the Global Entrepolis @ Singapore (GES) event.

GES is an international event run by the Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB). Aiming to be a global marketplace for the exchange of funds, enterprise, innovation and technology.

Global Entrepolis @ Singapore (GES) 2006 will see the gathering of over 40 major events: from strategic conference and industry seminars to venture capitalist summits and business workshops; from an emerging technology exposition to winning innovations and effective business matching platforms.

ARTS 2006 will focus on topics such as Rehabilitation Technology (RT) and AT, Practice and Policy, Technology Transfer, Wheeled Mobility and Seating, Assistive Robotics and Mechantronics, Cognitive Disabilities, Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Dysphasia, Sensory Loss, Environmental Control, and Computer Access.

News & Events Highlights

· 23/04/07 — Inaugural international Conference for Rehabilitative Engineering & Assistive Technology (i-CREATe) 2007

The i-CREATe addresses current and future developments in the areas of Rehabilitative Engineering and Assistive Technology. Topic areas include, but not limited to:

Ž New rehabilitative techniques & studies, novel assistive technology products

Ž Assistive robotics, rehabilitative & therapeutic robotics, robotic environments and companions

Ž Biomedical devices and instruments

Ž Orthoses, exoskeletons, innovative mobility aids

Ž User interfaces, brain-computer interface, bio-signal control interface

Ž AAC products, studies & evaluations, translations

Ž Universal design, inclusive housing & work place, transportation, accessibility issues

Ž Smart home technology, environment control technology

Ž Computer access products, software, studies & evaluations

Ž Product development, commercialization, start-ups, and business related topics

Ž Social issues, policies, political issues related disability and aging population.


Co. Registration No. 200607612R   Copyright © START Centre Pte. Ltd.