Murata Makoto

I have studied use of tree automata for SGML/XML since 1994 (see my PODP 1996 paper), joined the original XML WG in 1997, and designed RELAX Core (a predecessor of RELAX NG) in 2000. By unifying RELAX Core and TREX (by James Clark), RELAX NG was created by the OASIS RELAX NG TC. RELAX NG is an OASIS Committee Spec and is also an ISO/IEC FDIS.

My personal e-mail address is eb2m-mrt @

This page provides my old documents about tree automata. New documents can be found at or Documents about RELAX NG are available at

  1. DTD Transformation by Patterns and Contextual Conditions presented at SGML/XML 97.
  2. My paper (Copyright by Springer-Verlag) presented at PODDP'98. The proceedings will be available from Springer-Verlag.
  3. Automatically Constructing the Intersection/Union/Difference of Schemata, XTech 99 presentation
  4. Very old memo about tree automata (don't read this)
  5. A newer document about tree automata (1999) [pdf] [ps]
  6. My talk about tree automata in SGML/XML 97.
  7. A prototypical implementation of RELAX Namespace (a predecessor of DSDL Part 4). See also
  8. A very old implementation of RELAX Core in C++