sara's home page hope you enjoy it!

Who's that girl?? Hallo everybody. This is my first homepage and I don't really know where to start from. My name is Sara Gasparoni, and I was born in May(Taurus).

Where : I am Italian, I come from Naples. I love my town even if it's caothic and drives one a little bit crazier every day.They say: "see Naples and die." Well, I survived till now, so maybe I can survive everything!! For my studies, I came to Vienna...I got so fascinated by this town that I am still here.

O' sole, o' mare, e' sfugliatelle...e a' Sacher (sun , sea and Sfugliatelle...and the Sacher): these are the cliches most generally associated with Naples. They also help understanding my personality: mine is an enthusiastic, solar way of living. Of course one of my motto is: think positive!

What?? Yes. Even a girl now has to earn a living. So, when I'm not sitting at my computer I generally spend most of my time studying or in the lab. I graduated in physics at the University of Naples FEDERICO II. In case you want to know something about the University (actually the biggest in Napoli) here you have and here is the physics department homepage

Iwillbe..a researcher, hopefully. I finished my PhD at the University of Vienna on experimental quantum optics. You can have a look at the page of the group of prof. Zeilinger. Now I am working in the medical physics. Here is the link for the Medical University of Vienna.

something more. I love travelling and knowing people from all over the world. During my study period I was a member of a student association, the BEST, which gave me the opportunity of travelling a lot. best .

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This was too long for a presentation, wasn't it?Well , something is still missing.

Just for you to have an idea, this is me

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