Welcome at chris'city!


The -Side... of life..


The -Links The -Software

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* i do not produce them or maintain/update them
*i cannot change them
* they can be changed without my knowledge or agreement.

Die Links, die ich zu anderen Seiten gesetzt habe, möchte ich meinen Besuchern empfehlen und mich daher nicht von ihnen distanzieren! Es kann allerdings passieren, dass sich verlinkte Websites ohne mein Wissen verändern. Da es aber nicht zumutbar ist, dass ich die Inhalte aller verlinkten Seiten ständig kontrolliere, weiss ich nicht, ob es auf bestimmten Seiten rechtlich relevante Änderungen gegeben hat. Ich bin daher auf Ihre Mithilfe angewiesen: Falls Sie einen Link entdecken, der rechtlich problematisch sein könnte, so verständigen Sie mich bitte, damit ich diesen Link umgehend entfernen kann.




The Software:


This small (30kB) Accessoiry just lets you change the names & MIDI-Chanels of the samples, sounds and so on...

(Falcon 030, all colors, all memories)

Download (28kB)


Change the sources and targets of the soundsystem with a clickable matrix. Set the sample-frequencies and ~chanels, record to disk from any source and much more...
Works as an Accessoiry or as a Program...

(Falcon 030, all colors, all memories)

Download (25kB)


Dieter Fiebelkorn's AVI-Player, but with Sound!
RLE and CVID (no Indeo, thanks to Intel :-(( )
some bugfixes to the original Player, too
TrueColor-Version included (TrueColor is switched on automatically)

(Falcon 030, all colors, all memories, but the more power the faster the performance....)

Download (27kB)


Dieter Fiebelkorn's Quicktime-Player, but with Sound!
some bugfixes to the original Player, too
TrueColor-Version included (TrueColor is switched on automatically)

(Falcon 030, all colors, all memories, but the more power the faster the performance....)

Download (86kB)

"BMP-View-PRG" - Beta-Version

A universal Viewer for the DOS-BMP-Format

loads everythin': search for BMPs in Programs (*.EXE!) and dll's and save them to disk!
all resolutions: pictures will be converted
- best with 256-colors...
all sizes: scroll with arrows
display the actual color table
slideshow (variable time or keypress)

(all Ataris-best with F030, all colors, all memories)

Download (40kB)

"MMM-Play-PRG" - BETA!

On some "Multimedia"-CD-ROMs you'll find files with an "*.MMM"-Extension.
These are made with Macromedia-Authorware.

Now you can display the contents of these CDs!

Tested and (-partly-) working:

- "Fred Feuerstein lebt gefährlich"
- Buster Keaton - The General
- Buster Keaton - The Navigator
- Shakespear & Rock'n'Roll
- Nichts ist unmöglich

This software was never finished because i don't have any description of the files!
Newer products of Macromedia use the dxf-Format wich seems to be rather the same, but i didn't have the time...

(Falcon 030, all colors - 256colors prefered, 4MB at least....)

Download (54kB)

"DDD-5-Acc & PRG"

Rather old - but working;-) - helpers for this drummachine from KORG

(STs, never tested on a Falcon 030 or a TT....)

Download DDD-5-ACC (9kB) Download DDD-5-Editor (86kB)
