Welcome to Rayden Tron's Domain!

In the service of Mother Nature, for the improvement of Humanity

Efficiency, Justice, Life

Reason, Compassion, Responsible Stewardship

Death is an engineering problem

Lightning Strikes!

Pic courtesy of David O. Stillings

"To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield."
-From Ulysses by Alfred, Lord Tennyson

Table of Contents:

Introduction: For those of you with broadband connections or otherwise not in a hurry, a well-narrated, illustrated, comprehensive guide to the site and the work and life of Rayden Tron. For additional info, provides external links.

Rayden Tron's Writing: Nonfiction / General Interest

Future Visions: Here it is, my main purpose in life, a picture of where humanity is going, the base on which my Techno Sapien stories are built.

The Humor Page: For the lighter side, gentle laughs in thoughtful packages, short and sweet.

The Inspiration Page: An anthology of inspiring, positive quotes I gathered to lift your spirits.

Rayden Tron's Bookshelf: For building your own reference library from Amazon, complete with reviews so you know what you are getting yourself into. Current topics include Science and Technology, Skyscrapers & Project AVATAR, The Railroad, Environmental Living, and Fiction with more on the way.

Project AVATAR Pages

Where to go after September 11th? Can't get much worse than that, so there's no place to go but up! Ultra-tall buildings have "personality", inspire us, and are a source of a city's identity and pride. Project AVATAR presents a way to take these traits and enhance them in a way that increases security not just for the tenants and the building, but for the whole city.

Project AVATAR Homepage: The official site of Project AVATAR with its official introduction to the world.

Skyscraper Spirit: The Soul of New York: Summarizes the motivation behind Project AVATAR, why we must rebuild bigger and better than ever.

Protecting the New Generation: A thumbnail sketch of a technological solution to pressing modern security problems in large building complexes.

Project AVATAR System Overview: ***Page under construction*** World Trade Center aside, AVATAR technology will be applicable to a wide variety of buildings. This is a more detailed outline of how AVATAR technology would work to serve the needs of tenants and building owner/operators.

Dare to Dream: An open letter to the Municipal Arts Society's Imagine New York Project. Details a wide spectrum of reasons to rebuild, from the practical to the spiritual.

A Wish for my Country: Written as an op-ed which no newspaper dared to publish. Some newspapers would outright prefer that we wallow in dysfunctional grief and sadness. After this country damn near tore itself apart in the Civil War it did not wallow in its suffering for long even though there were much better reasons to do just that.

Project AVATAR External Links: A collection of other sites that support rebuilding the WTC bigger and better and offer information about the art of the skyscraper in general.

Tears for Twin Brothers: The poem I wrote on September 14th that was the inspiration for Project AVATAR.

Chicago Realcomm: the second Project AVATAR poem, written at the namesake event. A marker of my progress as I begin to manage Project AVATAR as a startup.

Rayden Tron's Bookshelf: Contains reviews of skyscraper-related books and the option to buy.


The way to go for real-world information on how to use and/or learn about modern railroading, particularly in North America.

The Transit Page: Links to passenger rail service across North America and eventually around the world. Europe, Mexico and the rest of Canada will be added next.

Railroad Resource Center: Annotated links helpful to those seeking to learn about railroading in all its glory. Covers all aspects: technical, social, recreational, and historical.

Rayden Tron's Bookshelf: Contains reviews of railroad-related books and the option to buy.

Rayden Tron's Writing: Science Fiction: The Techno Sapiens

My serious work, for which I am seeking publication. Posits a world less than 50 years in the future in which the evolutionary line that constituted humanity has fragmented as some decide to extend their lifespans by consciousness-transfer into robot bodies.

Techno Sapien Character Profiles: Thumbnail sketches of some of the major characters featured in my Techno Sapien stories.

The Transfer Procedure: An excerpt from my novella Growing Out describing the theory and operation through which a dying human becomes a Techno Sapien.

Marillion's Tale: A New Beginning 1: First sample chapter from my novella of the same name, featuring a 17-year-old outcast and leukemia victim who becomes a robot against his mother's wishes. Thrown out of his childhood home, he moves to the Moonbase, where he knows nobody, to take a chance at building a new life.

Marillion's Tale: A New Beginning 2: Second sample chapter of the novella. It sure doesn't take long for Marillion to land himself in trouble after landing on the Moon.

Rayden Tron's Writing: Science Fiction: Jarodnyk

A series of stories featuring my Taloid character from the Star-Wars-based Galaxy Force message board on Delphi.

Jarodnyk's Home Page: Contains his character profile and the tale of the aftermath of his abduction from his homeworld.

Caution: Biohazard: Part one of his first major mission in his new home, involving smuggling of a deadly virus that accelerates biological aging.

Caution: Biohazard Continued: Part two of Caution: Biohazard...He got the job, but finds that the virus is the least of his worries. Can the inexperienced alien complete the mission and escape with his life?

Krethelli Dawn: Recounts the forging of Jarodnyk's unlikely new robotic clan despite their vastly different origins and natures.

Rayden Tron's Bookshelf: Check out the Fiction section for the two works by James P. Hogan that inspired my character Jarodnyk.

Rayden Tron's Writing: Science Fiction: Tarrason Central

A series of stories featuring my Project AVATAR-inspired characters from the Star-Wars-based Galaxy Force message board on Delphi.

Tarrason Central Home Page: Contains the character profiles of the Tarrason Central agents, their Bothan manager, and the Humans who support them on the Ninth Quadrant world of Querylwan.

Rites of Succession: Part one of the first Tarrason Central story, where the torch is passed from a dying Gell Selardin to his creations and his Bothan confidant.

Rites of Succession Continued: Part two of Rites of Succession: Querylwan battles a killer plague that threatens to leave the agents abandoned and alone, infecting even their alien friend.

Grand Re-Opening: Part one of four, of the second Tarrason Central story. A new tenant arrives. Revenge might be on her mind, but is it in her heart?

Grand Re-Opening Part 2: Biku's keen senses smell a rat in Leiara, only to discover the agents have been developing minds of their own right under his nose.

Grand Re-Opening Part 3: While Leiara bonds with the agents, Biku tries to build bridges to Querylwan's government. As the agents act out, the future of the colony is at stake.

Grand Re-Opening Conclusion: Divergent interests come to a head. Will a new coalition take hold, or fall apart and doom Querylwan?

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Whenever I hit bottom, wondering if it's worth it to continue, a new wellspring opens up and I carry on. I carry on.