Nabil Kabbaj

I am a post graduate student in Automatic control in the Faculty of Applied Science at the Catholic University of Louvain (UCL), Belguim. I received a B.S. in Computer science & Automatic systems in 1995 from the faculty of science at
cadi ayad university, Marrakech, Morroco.

Computer skills
Optimal iterative tuning of feedforward controllers.Final studies thesis, FSA, UCL, Louvain, 1999
Fault detection and isolation based on software sensors: Application to biotechnological processes.DEA Thesis, UPS, Toulouse, 2000
Adaptive observers based fault detection and isolation for an alcoholic fermentation process.8th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA'2001), Antibes - Juan les Pins (France), 15-18 Octobre 2001, Vol.2, pp.669-673
Nabil Kabbaj
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