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This Web Page was last modified on Saturday, 26-August-2000 03:22:49
Welcome to Nate's
Page! Grace and Peace be yours in abundance through the knowlege
of God and of Jesus Christ our Lord! II Peter 2:2
Click on a page
or two below, depending on where your interest lies. This page shares
my life on the Internet. The pages contain my
my interests and life pursuits, some general thoughts as well as Christian
Living "Life, Faith, and Love." Want to try something radical, check out PWDD. I challenge You to find the webpage and read what God has put on peoples' hearts to do. This page is designed to encourage
others and bring Glory and Honor to the Lord Jesus Christ! I hope
it puts a smile on your face as well :-)
I am a Jesus Christ Loving
Christian gentleman from a wonderful family. I try to live a Well Balanced, Christ-Centered,
Mission Driven, Joyful, Holy Spirit filled life by loving others and sharing
about what Jesus Christ and being a Christian means to me personally.
I consider myself to be an extremely diverse person with many passions,
talents, and gifts. I especially love culture and community.
My best friends are from other countries and I love being invited to attend
events with them, like dinners and multi-cultural fests. I am hoping to work overseas (maybe in China).

Thanks for visiting me,
Ya'll come back now!