Welcome to Guill@ume Bertr@nd's home page.

Geology, some pictures, a lot of cool links, and much more...

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(this photo is from the "sky adventures" site, thanks to them!)

Well, let's talk about you and me:

Want to know more about me and my work? So let's have a look at my CV, in French or in English.

Want to know what I like on the Web? Then just take a look at my cool links.

Want to meet some of my friends? Just go to my friend's page.

Have a few minutes left? So take a look at my personnal photo gallery and catch the spirit of the old west!

Please tell me about you! Send me an E-mail (in english or french).

position wanted!

I have defended my PhD thesis in June 1999. I am now looking for a postdoc or faculty position in structural geology or/and geochronology, in Europe or North America. Please take a look at my resume and let let me know if you have any informations about such a position by sending me an E-mail. Thank you!

Visit Christophe Brunet's personnal home page!

Looking forward...

... to see you again!

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