Welcome to Nawshad's Homepage

Hello! I'm Nawshad Haque originally from Bangladesh.
I'm an Australian citizen residing in Melbourne.


Current Position
My Previous Employment
My Education

PhD Thesis

Useful Links
Sundarban, The Mangrove Forest
Curriculum Vitae

Latest CV (pdf size - 78KB)

Currently I work as a Scientist. I have got two professional hats. I am trained as a Professional Forester and also as a Professional Engineer. Although I was recognised by the Institution of Engineers, Australia in 2002, I formally became a Member of the IEAust in 2005.

I was also an Associate Member of the Institute of Wood Science, UK since 1998. In 2005 I was elected as a Fellow of this Institute. I am a former Member of the Institute of Foresters, Australia.

My biography has been selected for publication in Whos Who in the World and other biographical database. My aim of life, like other scientists is to make the world a better place for human living and comfort by exploring and knowing the world around us as much as we can to accomplish our goal. My realisation is that ironically we know very little about our own world.

Please explore more about my research interests using links on this page.

My research interests are in the following areas:

I am interested for collaborative research in the above areas. Please contact:

Dr. Nawshadul Haque (FIWSc)
Research Scientist (Process Modelling)
CSIRO Minerals
Box 312 Clayton South VICTORIA 3169

Tel: +61 3 9545 8931 (W)
Fax:+61 3 9562 8919
Email:  Send to Nawshad Haque
Web Address: Nawshad's Home Page  

Thank you for visiting this page.

Copyright: All associated materials in this website are subjected to copyright (1997-2008). However, information from this website can be used with due acknowledgement.© 2008 Nawshad Haque.

First created: November, 1997. Last Modified: 21 February, 2008

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