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Sunday School HQ and Gardening Tips and Scouting

Family Pictures by Year
1999 | 2001
2002 | 2002-Idaho
2003 | 2004

Click here for Jessica's Wish trip
Click me to see more of my pictures!

Slideshows and videos, some are large download so be patient

  1. Matthew trying to drive his birthday present
  2. 2006 Zoo trip
  3. Holly's Picture Show
  4. Holly's scrapbook
  5. Short video of Matthew's Zoo adventure (He's chasing a peacock!)
  6. Video I took on the backwards Racer!
  7. Matthew's Picture show

Short stories usually found on the Internet via email

  1. Kids Say the Darndest Things
  2. Pet Duck Story
  3. How kind were you to the stranger today?
  4. Erma Bombeck's Take on Life
  5. How to Prepare for an Emergency

Information about computers

  1. JavaScript's Document Object Model and Window Object Model
  2. Here is how I got started on HTML. This link goes to a search page Plus some of my favorite sites.
  3. More recent information, read as More of my favorite sites:
    1. Perl or PERL not pearl
    2. Lotus Domino
    3. Windows NT Server & Windows 2000 Server
  4. Info and results on the FTP agent I created Download
  5. A safe fun home page for children
  6. A convenient home page for me

Information about my projects and this Web site

  1. Jessica's 2006 MDA Stride and Ride page
  2. What is "Lehi's Desert Home" ?
  3. Saturday's Warrior
  4. Family SlideShow
  5. Information from when I was note taking in Elder's Quorum
  6. One day I was searching for a local discount movie cinema and discovered a secret web site instead. Here's a transcript of the chat I had with the former site owner. This was a discount movie place in Cincinnati, Ohio. My Transcript with the site owner
  7. Michael's Personal Page
  8. Michelle's Personal Page
  9. Link to former Elder's Quorum Lessons

Cincinnati Links

  1. Q102 Radio Station
  2. People Working Cooperatively
  3. One Way Farm Home Page | Needs list for One Way Farm
  4. Cincinnati Museum Center
  5. Cincinnati Zoo
  6. Save the Bengals
  7. Cincinnati Zoo
  8. Cincinnati's Art Museum in Eden Park
  9. Cincinnati Bell Yellow Pages
  10. PlanetFeeback.com
  11. News 9, Nine Online

Citizenship and Scouting

  1. Troop 948 ( Cincinnati, Ohio ) Calendar of Events
  2. Dan Beard Council in the Boy Scouts of America
  3. This link points the Boy Scout web site!
  4. United States of America Declaration of Independence
