HI,my name is Jeffrey and I own a Sony WebTV Internet Terminal. I came on line in late Feb. of `97. I knew very little about modern computers as the last computer that I owned was a VIC-20(at least I had the memory expansion!)

Now, I am on a mission. I want all WebTV owners (WebHeads) to make thier own Homepages!

I have(read:will have) lots of information on WebTV and homepaging in general.

Let me know what you think of my pages and if you really like it let someone else know!


The controls are on the left,enjoy!
Just remember, this is a learning experience for me, too!
...And still counting!
I have to Thank GeoCities for the wonderful service they have!!

I signed on to GeoCities on
........ July 31 1997 at 11:26

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