Welcome To Research Central!
Bartricia A. Williams
University of Central Florida
Orlando, FL 32816

Thanks for stopping by my page, also known as my second home. Here you'll find links to all sorts of things I'm working on or interested both academically, professionally and socially. The main purpose of this page is to show off my increasing knowledge of fuzzy set theory. You'll find out I'm quite a well-rounded personality. Please keep in mind this site is under perpetual revision. Some things may have changed since your last visit so drop by often!

A little side note: I'm still working on this website, so don't freak out too much if a link isn't working. Check back later!

|Biography| |Resume|
|Research| |alt.ai.fuzzy Newsgroup| |Fuzzy Logic Links| |Quality Links|
|Magazine and Newspaper Links| |Professional Society Links|
|Science Fiction Links| |Cartoon Links| |Assorted Links|
|National Society of Black Engineers - UCF Chapter|

An Engineer's Life, AKA Dilbert

Dogbert's New Ruling Class - Join us.....or be ridiculed.

Copyright 1997 by Bartricia WIlliams. Unless otherwise noted, all graphics remain the property of their owners. Their use on this site does not constiute ownership. If you're thinking about suing, go right ahead. The way the courts are these days on Internet policy and procedures, you've got a snowball's chance in hydrochloric acid of winning.


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