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Gynaecologist and Obstetrician

Emre YAZICIOGLU was born in Cankýrý, 1956. His primary and secondary education was completed in Ankara, Ulubatli Hasan Ilkokulu and Deneme Lisesi. He graduated from Istanbul University, Faculty of Medicine in 1980 and did his internship in the Royal Maternity Hospital in Belfast in 1979. He specialized in obstetrics and gynaecology at Hacettepe University, Faculty of Medicine in 1987. His obligatory work for the Ministry of Health was completed in 1989 at the Boyabat State Hospital. He started a special practise at the International Hospital, Istanbul in 1989 and worked there for eight years as a staff specialist on OB&GYN. At present, he is working in Jinemed Clinic.

Some tips for your health:

low calorie intake, low glisemic index foods

limit red meat, other processed meats

no sugary drinks

more green vetegetables and fruits, preferable organics

make your BMI < 25

more exercieses

no smoking and no smoky enviroments

no alchool, may be some wine or beer sometimes

enough time for sleep, no work during the night time if possible

go sleep early, wake up early

give blood sometimes in a year

do routine checks for some cancers ( Breast, Cervix, Colon etc. )

become pregnant earlier and  breastfeed  before age 30 if possible,

do not take dietary supplements to cut cancer

be in highway as less as possible,


for some more:

The World Cancer Research Fund Report 2007