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this page, ; )
Why 'eclectic' ? Well, my interests range from
athletic to Astronomy, from rock climbing to stunt kites, and metal
working to wood carving. Most of these
'projects' end up turning out rather well (smugly), but I tend to
picky about that.
I can no longer post
the satellite imagery associated with my Thesis topic for a variety of
reasons. The
foremost of which
was that I've changed the direction I want this page to go, and that I
no longer
have access to the
ERDAS software to do the data analysis. I really need to publish
this stuff to show that
a non-linear atmospheric
correction was indeed done on the imagery. The histograms show it, and
so does regression.
There are other
possibilities in the dataset I worked with.
I've been wondering
if remote sensing work could be viable as a home business?? We'll see what
I also no longer
post my resume in this space for privacy reasons.
My ATM Page
Where I'll detail
construction with drawing of my 2 Newtonian telescopes
a 16 inch f5.9
and a 6 inch f10.5..
My opinions/rants
Where I vent some
frustration in a slightly sarcastic, humorous way about a variety of topics.
My links page
Self explanatory
I hope.
More to come
as time allows...And YES, I know the links are inactive.
E-mail to: me, of course
This page last updated on March 21, 1999
I like WinNT no matter what anybody says-
but Linux will probably surprise us all.