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Lynde Bradley - At Age 23 (1901) he started this company.
Club Officers · Club History · Summer Spree · Science Links


The Lynde Bradley Science Club is composed of nearly 150 engineers, scientists, managerial, and technical employees from Rockwell Automation/ Allen-Bradley who meet monthly after work in Milwaukee at the Fred Loock Education Center in a presentation and dinner format. The primary purpose of the club is to present topics with business relevance that are of general or technical interest to the members in a social setting apart from the constraints of the workday.

Monthly Club Meetings

Our first meeting of the 2002/2003 season is Thursday September 12, 2002:

Speaker: Dr. Paul Rhine
Company: General Motors, Electro Motive Division
Position: Manager Product Reliability and Maintenance

Dr. Paul E. Rhine is a Senior Project Engineer focusing on the diagnostic and reliability enhancements for General Motors Electro Motive Division. Paul has a PhD in physics from Kansas State University. He worked for the Union Pacific railroad with 8 years in the Mechanical Engineering Department and 8 years in Operations. Paul led efforts to change railroad operating behaviours to improve overall efficiency. His claim to fame from Union Pacific was saving the railroad 45 million gallons of gas a year in improving the operating behaviours (before their expansion). Paul went to Rockwell Collins in 1986 to work on the development of the Locomotive Automatic Reporting System. This involved the application of Yesian network modelling to the locomotive systems. Paul worked with Rockwell Scientific in Palo Alto on LARS. His current work at EMD focuses on remote sensing in the diagnostic and reliability capabilities of EMD and its customers. His talk will focus on why trains have developed into what they are today.

Do you have any ideas for a future meeting topic?
Contact: Kevin McDermott- (262) 512-8286 - kmmcdermott@ra.rockwell.com

Summer Spree

The Summer Spree is the Science Club's yearly social event. Typically it consists of a tour of some local facility followed by a dinner and door prize giveaway. In previous years the Spree has taken tours of the Milwaukee Deep Tunnel Project, Discovery World Museum, Sprecher Brewery, and the Milwaukee Post Office.

See the SUMMER SPREE page for photos from past summer spree events!

New Member Information...

New members are always welcomed to join...

Lynde Bradley Science Club By-Laws
Lynde Bradley Science Club Membership Application Form (.doc)
Lynde Bradley Science Club Membership Application Form (.pdf)

Comments? Corrections? Additions?

Do you have any comments, suggestions, corrections or something that you would like to see added to theLynde Bradley Science Club webpage?

Contact: Kevin McDermott- (262) 512-8286 - kmmcdermott@ra.rockwell.com

Last Updated 9/4/02 © 2002 Lynde Bradley Science Club