A plea for help to save a mother of two from Leukemia

My wife, Sukumari Kalukottege (37yrs), mother of Vihanga (boy-4yrs) & Sayumi (girl-3yrs), daughter of late Mr. K.K. Piyadasa (retired teacher, Mahinda College, Galle) and Mrs. Amara Arambewela (retired teacher, Sangamitta College, Galle), sister of Dr. Prasansa Kalukottege (Senior Lecturer, University of Sri Jayewardenepura) and Dr. Pankaja Kalukottege (Lady Ridgeway Hospital), was diagnosed to have Leukemia (Chronic Granulocytic Leukemia) last January. Since then she was under treatment, and her disease has now been transformed into Blast crisis (Acute Myeloid Leukemia), which is an aggressive form of the disease.


Doctors in Sri Lanka have recommended that she is taken immediately abroad for further treatments and she was admitted to the National University Hospital, Singapore on 10th May. After about 4-6 weeks of initial treatments, a Bone Marrow Transplant is planned to be done.


According to the hospital authorities the total cost is expected to be US$ 90,000 – US$ 100,000.


I am working at the Computer Centre of University of Sri Jayewardenepura and my wife is attached to the Ministry of Urban Development and Water Supply. We are in a position to raise only about US$ 40,000 within our family circles. Therefore, we have no choice but to appeal you to contribute financially in whatever capacity to save her life.


Please make your valuable contributions by depositing in the special public account number 0120-01443961-101 of H.K. Munasinghe Jt. A/C at Seylan Bank, Nugegoda Branch exclusively opened for paying the expenses of her medical treatments. At the time of depositing money, please drop a note to us in order to have your details with us. Please note that the money deposited in this account can only be credited to the hospital by the bank itself, and no one else has the authority to withdraw money from this account.


Your kind contributions in this regard are greatly helpful in saving Sukumari's life.


from her doctor, regarding Medical Expenditure for initial treatment, is attached for your information.


A letter from her doctor, regarding Medical Expenditure for initial treatment, is attached for your information.


If you are living in North America, please use the following account number and the contact details:

World Bank Fund Staff Federal Credit Union, AC#112530S2.5, ABA No. 2540-7417-0.

You may also send a check ear marked Sukumari/Leukemia (or Pay to Sukumari /
to the following Address:

Dayananda Weerakkody
9603 Avenel Road
Silver Spring
MD 20903-2311


If you are living in Australia, please use the following account number and the contact details:

Account name - S D Munasinghe
Bank - ANZ
Branch - Endeavour Hills
BSB No. - 013-288
Account No. - 5648-94695

Deepal Munasinghe
No. 16, Sydney Parkinson Ave.,
Endeavour Hills,
VIC 3802.

Phone - Res. (03) 9700 2010        Mobile:  0400 580986
E-mail - sojitha@yahoo.com.sg


You may deposit directly to the Sukumari’s account in the National University Hospital:





Account No:      32-00032-0


Development Bank of Singapore (DBS)

Bouna Vista Branch



Account No:  20041318552 J

HRN:  YZ 0163660

  Thank You,  

Harsha Munasinghe.





Sukumari Prasanga Santhushti Kalukottege / Harsha Munasingh


Baby Vihanga and Baby Sayumi


136, Neboda Road, Matugama, Sri Lanka.


Tel: +94 777 633311,  +94 11 4308808,  +94 34 2247150

e-mail: harsha@sjp.ac.lk


URL: www.sjp.ac.lk/~harsha 

