Welcome to the Official Gravisphere Download site
Yep, it's another Gravisphere page created by Light Atom Media
However, this site won't have fancy gifs or funky graphics because it's only a secondary site, 
yup yup!

Hey, tell me how you stumbled on this site k? 
This site is like totally unlisted and well, to tell you the truth, you're not supposed to be here
So get out!
Just kidding:) 
I'm a nice dude, and I'd never tell you to leave! 
So mail me now dude! And thanks a lot! 
...you MIGHT get something for free;)

Any ways, I must be boring you to sleep now! 
There's really nothing "good" here, so go to my web site if you want to see something that's really cool! 
It's called Gravisphere (well, duh!) and it's DA BOMB
(click the link to go there now!!) 
I hope that you'll enjoy my site, and give me some input on what YOU think. 
(now THAT's people power!) hee hee!
Oh! and don't forget to sign that dormant guest book!...

Thanks for dropping by...

This is a Gravisphere site.