The Reeking Barbarian

What To Do First In The Discworld and Basic Commands

Weapons and Armour

Soul Commands

Hints and Tips

Various quotes which made me smile

Discworld Maps

Discworld Java Applet - Use this to play Discworld

HaCKiNG CHaLLeNGe - Do You THiNK You aRe eLeeT?


Snake Page

Guestbook has been removed cos some gaylord thought it was funny to redirect it. At least I won't have people trying to sell me vicodin in my guesbook now.

The Discworld
Discworld Guide

Greetings! I am a member of The Hublandish Barbarians (Warrior Guild), currently located in the Ramtop Mountains north east of Lancre town. This webpage is a help guide for those of you who are new to the online Discworld Multi User Dungeon Role Playing Game. I will endeavour to answer all the frequently asked newbie questions, as well as go into detail on how to become an advanced player. Before starting out in the Discworld make sure you have obtained maps and read as many help files as you can withstand without being bored to
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