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click here to see my drawing
Hello, this is Jesse Stern Grossman, I just made this webpage I think it is pretty cool. Here is a link to my photos page. In this page are some pictures of me and some that I have taken. I just made it so its not quite done yet. Ok thats it.
click on me to see some photos
and here are just the pictures of some cds i like, i just wanted to add something to this page.... click here
Ok, well here is some information about me, well, I was born on march 29 1982, making me 17 now and an aries. I have learned that people who are aries turn out to be much better at everything than people who are not aries. ha.. anyways.. ok thats about it now. ok, today is 5/10/99( actually, right now its 5-24. i will update this as it progress into the future) and I just wanted to add a couple more facts about myself. Ok, well I am going to school in brooklyn heights, at a place called saint anns high school. Before I came here I went to a little school down on bleecker st called little red school house. That was a pretty good school. Well, this page is also going to be used for my web design class as a final project, its pretty good, not great by any means though. ok

here is a link to my friends, billy weisbrod, webpage. here
and.. if you happen to like ghostbusters, please click here
Here is another page that i just made, it has sounds from the family guy, a pretty funny show, almost all of the sounds are the little baby. click here