Wussup People this is Tek of Jive Monkees (formerly Floor Force Crew) from So. Cal  Well this page is made half assed cause I got a job, a girlfriend and school, those of you in this situation know how that is.  I know it's real basic, but meh, whatta gonna do??? We plan on having pictures (we're lazy and haven't taken any pictures), more moves, and Bios of all the members. This page is under lot-o-construction.


* Ok not much of an update, but there's no more frame at the bottom, only catch is that you should get a prompt that says "document contains no data" or something gay like that. It means nothing. Just go about your day as if nothing happend. 11-29-99
* Updated the address. Here's our new easy to remember address. It is now Http://drink.to/Jive_Monkees That would be http://drink.to/Jive_Monkees. Only problem is that there's a frame at the bottom chalk full of advertisements. It's not THAT big, but it's kinda irritating. 11-22-99
* Updated the crew section. I added some members. (no pictures though) 11-21-99
* Floor Force has been officially changed to Jive Monkees. Memebers will be updated soon enough.
* Updating the whole page soon. This is cause we're gonna change the crew name and we're getting more members. The page is gonna get a whole new look, MAYBE, cause I kinda suck at doing this.
* Updated moves section. Added headspins a while back and mummies/genies/no handed mills. Same thing

My Chatroom

Jive Monkees is willing to have practice sessions with you other people.  We live in La Puente, so we practice at LP community Center.  We live in a zip code 91744.  626 area code.  If you live in West Covina, Covina, Walnut, La Puente, Valinda, Bassett, Baldwin Park, El Monte or Pomona, or any other place that's close to us just drop a line send an e-mail or whatever.

Any questions or comments or anything mail to bboyseoul@geocities.com
How many peepz been here
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