Welcome to the MOZZAM homepage!

Clarification: I got dozens of messages from people regarding my project. However, I think it's time to correct some misunderstandings:
Mozilla, in general, is by no means near an finished or usable product, and in my estimation, won't become that within the next 12 month. Anyone telling you something different should eventually take a look at the source first. It won't magically get you Java either, as the Mozilla project itself doesn't cover a Java Virtual Machine. There are efforts to integrate Kaffe, though. The same is true for RealAudio, RealVideo, VDOLive, ActiveX or Intel compiled Netscape Navigator plugins.
I have started to work on the mozilla code merely out of personal interest, not to wipe existing Amiga browsers from the market. If you want a good Amiga browser now, take a look at IBrowse or Voyager. The developers of both have announced updates soon, they have supported the Amiga for years and deserve your support.
Thank you.

MOZZAM is a project to port the Mozilla OpenSource browser to the Amiga platform. It used to be called AMozilla, but has recently been renamed to avoid confusion with another ongoing project of the same name with a similiar goal (but different approach).

MOZZAM utilizes the MXlib, my own X server library which utilizes MUI to provide a native X client API to applications. The ultimate goal behind MOZZAM is to be in sync with the Unix source tree of Mozilla and, on the long run, to simply do

  make install

with any new Mozilla source release on a gcc equipped Amiga. MXLib will be made public later on as an OpenSource resource to ease porting of other well known applications from the Linux world to AmigaOS.

You will be able to download a snapshot of the ongoing work here shortly, so stay tuned.

(Screenshot of NGLayout "VIEW" running with MXlib on an A4000-60/50 with CV64)

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