Peaches and Cream Soda

--A Place to Relax--

(click on the title above to get the explanation for the title)

Lava lamp The Internet has many corners. You have just discovered one of them. My name is Niel Slaughter, and I want you to relax and enjoy my site.
I was recently a student at North Carolina State University in Raleigh NC, USA. I majored in Computer Engineering, and I graduated in May 2001!!! I am no longer involved in any student organizations due to time constraints, however a really cool group is APO National Service Fraternity.
I currently live in Austin, Texas where I have a full time job and a part time life. I strive to be worldly in all that I do.

You may view my entire biography if you wish, although it is a little out of date.

My resume is online, however I have obtained employment for the time being.

I would like everyone to check out my myspace page! It has a lot more interesting info than this old page has.

I bought a house in 2004. . You can see the MLS pictures here ; the furnishings are from the previous owner. I am working on getting some pictures of my own made. The place is pretty bare right now!


Click here to see a picture of me just before water skiing.

I am a lover of quotes. Some of the best and most inspiring (and funny) quotes are posted on my quotes page.

COOL STUFF ON THE INTERNET (or at least in 1998...)

Hope you enjoyed your visit to my page. You can visit my fun page if you would like.

Questions, Comments, Suggestions, or Criticisms? Please e-mail me! Budweiser Now

Last Modified February 11, 2008