
Welcome COM 115!



Class Handouts

This is the class web site. Come here often, especially if you are absent, to find out important dates, retrieve handouts, and explore further the links we've looked at in class.

Your last test is on April 29. Study guide has been posted.

No class on April 22 but if you are around that day and need help, Sister Jane will be available to help you. I will come in at 4:00 on April 29 when we next meet. If you need help with your project and can't make that time, e-mail me so we can set up an alternate time.

Watch your SJC e-mail for instructions on how to fill out the electronic SREIs (otherwise known as the course evaluations). They will be done on-line for this class as part of the college's pilot program. Details will be sent on April 20th.

Tonight we looked at downloading images and making them transparent for use in our web pages. Another handout explained how to spice up your page a bit with customized buttons, logos and other goodies. You can pick up your 2 handouts on the Class Handouts page.

E-mail me if you have any questions.

This site last updated 04/16/09

Because the textbook for this class can be expensive, I am making you aware of another option. Get checks the prices for our textbook at other web sites which are selling the book. Sometimes you can purchase the book at a significant savings from another site instead of at the school book store. However, I am not guaranteeing the reliability of this site nor any of the sites it reports back on. Should you decide to go this route to purchase the class text, you do so at your own risk.