Punna Gopi

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Welcome to my web site!

I am a software engineer working for HCL Perot Systems Bangalore.

Personal Information:

I born in Chityala, a small town in India. I did most of schooling in Chityala a village in Nalgonda District, Andhra Pradesh. I got my Mechanical Engineering degree from Sri Ventaketeshwara University Tirupathi. As part of B.Tech curriculum , I have done final year project on mode shape analysis design on the Inter Continental Ballistic Missile called THOR. Currently I am working for HCL Perot Systems Ltd. This company is located in Bangalore. All these places are in India.

Contact Address:

Surface Mail E-mail Phone
Punna Gopi

Nalgonda (Dist.)
Andhra Pradesh, INDIA
punnagopi@yahoo.com (0)91-08682-XXXX

This page was last updated on 07/30/02.