Bill Majoros
Computer Scientist
The Institute for Genomic Research
9712 Medical Center Drive
Rockville, MD 20850


B.Sc. in Computer Science, with high distinction, from Penn State University, spring 1994
(gpa=3.95/4.00, 4.00 in major)

Research Interests


Other papers and essays:

Books I've Read Recently:

Other Web Sites
The Exonomy gene-finder
The Unveil gene-finder


Bald eagles nesting on Potomac River. Adult on left, juvenile on right.

Save a bird!

Drink shade-grown coffee. Sun coffee plantations eliminate vital bird habitat. By buying shade-grown coffee, you can create an economic force to slow the destruction of bird habitat. Many of the birds outside your window spend the winter in Central and South America, many of them on coffee plantations.

SongBird Coffee is sponsored by the American Birding Association.

Get information about shade-grown coffee.
Order some shade-grown coffee online.
You can also order shade-grown coffee from the Hawk Mountain Sanctuary