Life in sunny Western North Carolina!
Great! Fall is here!

Click for Asheville, North Carolina Forecast Happy Dog

For Sale

This page has started to grow with links to other sites as well. I have a new linked area within my page that will take you to an area that gives my bios and another that will take you to my new paranormal page. Be looking for it on the page. Hello to the LEMUR gang and all of my other peeps, you know who you are. ~

  • Inconsiderate drivers
  • Sales associates who follow you around the store
  • Restaurants with pagers
  • 3am Wal-Mart shoppers
  • Parents who insist on beating their children in public
  • Drivers who insist on tailgating you.

  • [IMAGE]

    This picture looks a lot like my dog Dakota


    Some of my favorite links

    CNN news site

    L.E.M.U.R. (the League of Etheric Materialization and Unexplained paranormal phenomenon Research)link. A great cutting-edge paranormal web site.

    Eric Petersen's awesome web page.

    The Art Bell Web Site. For those in the know.

    A great web-cam site with hundreds of cameras to choose from.

    Dog Pile: A very comprehensive search engine

    PC Magazine

    Stock Market Quotes

    Stay tuned for up and coming events to this page."

    My online resumé.

    Interested in ghosts, check out my paranormal investigation page. There are over 15 pages of pictures here that were taken by me.

    Please e-mail me with your comments, pictures and ghost stories.

    click here to send me e-mail.
    Visitors to my page